- to move in artistic circles 活跃于美术界
- He moves in artistic circles. 他活跃于美术界。
- I tried to move in on his cushy job. 我想夺取他那轻松的工作。
- That guy tried to move in on my girlfriend. 那家伙想抢走我的女朋友。
- The sun appears to move in an arc across the sky. 太阳看起来在天空以弧线运行。
- To cause to move in or form a zigzag. 使之字形移动,形成之字形
- To move in a weaving, wobbling, or rolling manner. 摇晃前行以一种交叉的、摇晃的或摇摆的方式前进
- We will continue to move in this direction. 我们会继续朝这个方向迈进。
- Nobody seems willing to move in the matter. 似乎没有人愿意对这件事采取行动。
- To move in and out or sway from side to side. 穿行,摇晃着前进进进出出或从一边到另一边地摆动
- It is better to go straight than to move in the best of circles. 大步直行胜过绕圈子。
- Several of his pals started to move in on me. 他的几个同伙准备对我下手。
- To move in or be subjected to precession. 产生进动向前运动或被驱向前
- Well-known in artistic circles. 在艺术圈里闻名
- To move in a leisurely or aimless manner; dawdle. 闲荡悠闲地无目地移动;闲逛
- To move in a manner suggestive of a worm. 如虫般地移动以使人联想到蠕虫的方式移动
- To move in a weaving,wobbling,or rolling manner. 摇晃前行以一种交叉的、摇晃的或摇摆的方式前进
- To move in a lively, capering manner;prance. 蹦蹦跳跳以一种活泼、雀跃的方式活动;雀跃
- The plane prepared to move in for the kill. 飞机已作好击落敌机的准备。
- Which one try to move in your house or yard? 哪种虫子想进入你的房子或院子?