- Tell the manager I want to lodge a complaint. 告诉经理我要提出控告。
- Tell the manager I want to lodge a complaint . 告诉经理我要提出控告。
- If you wish to lodge a complaint you'd better get on to the manager. 你有什麽不满最好找经理提。
- I determined to lodge a complaint as soon as we arrived. 我决定一到站就发泄我的牢骚。
- Lodge I determined to lodge a complaint as soon as we arrived. 我决定一到目的地就给铁路部门提意见。
- If you wish to lodge a complaint you would better get on to the manager . 你有什么不满最好找经理提。
- Then B company to lodge a complaint, a company puts forward countercharge. 于是B公司提起诉讼,A公司提出反诉。
- I want to lodge a strong complaint. 我要提出严重投诉。
- We would like to lodge a complaint with your business about your parking habits. 我们要对贵公司的停车习惯提出投诉。
- The airline lost my bags so I had to lodge a complaint to make sure I got them back. 我在飞机上丢了包,我向他们提出了起诉,以便确保我的包尽快找回来。
- One day a man went to the magistrate to lodge a complaint against the secretary. 一天,有人到王鲁这儿控告他的主簿。
- But, accede oneself initial day rises more than 20 years, must not again to lodge a complaint. 但是,自继续开始之日起超过二十年的,不得再提起诉讼。
- You can first make an enquiry with us based on what you know. After that, you may decide whether you want to lodge a complaint or not. 最理想的安排是你先将所知的情况向我们的职员查询,然后根据你的意愿决定是否作出举报。
- The families of those killed often fail to lodge a complaint out of shame or because they do not have enough money to recover the bodies from the mortuary to bury them. 死者家属由于羞愧,或是无经济实力将尸体从停尸房赎回安葬,经常不会提起控诉。
- In November 2008, actor friend general is happy be encroached with enjoying the information network of this film solely to transmit power for, to forensic to lodge a complaint. 2008年11月,优朋普乐以独家享有该电影的信息网络传播权受到侵犯为由,向法院提起诉讼。
- All of the members : Please do not delivered "Rouge du Rhin" design work, designers have to lodge a complaint, we hope that we understand and support our work. 所有会员: 请不要发表“Rouge du Rhin”的设计作品,设计师已经提出投诉,希望大家理解我们,支持我们的工作。
- All of the members : Please do not delivered "Isabelle Vautier(IsaV)" design work, designers have to lodge a complaint, we hope that we understand and support our work. 所有会员: 请不要发表“Isabelle Vautier(IsaV)”的设计作品,设计师已经提出投诉,希望大家理解我们,支持我们的工作。
- We reserve the right to lodge a claim for loss. 我们保留要求赔偿损失的权利。
- We reserve the right to lodge a claim for loss . 我们保留要求赔偿损失的权利。
- Reserve the right to lodge a claim. 保留索赔权。