- to liberate zine 使锌离析
- They did their best to liberate slaves. 他们尽最大的力量去解放奴隶。
- I need to liberate man from sin. 我必需将人们由罪中解放出来。
- Our task is to liberate this little island. 我们的任务是解放这个岛。
- Our task next week is to liberate the small town. 我们下星期的任务是解放那个小镇。
- Pelopidas was determined to liberate Thebes. 派洛皮德决心解放底比斯。
- There is a move to liberalize literature and the Arts. 文学与艺术有自由化的动向。
- They said they would send troops to liberate the occupied country. 他们说他们会派兵解放被占领的国家。
- We must try our best to liberate our people from poverty. 我们必须尽力把人们从贫穷中解救出来。
- These two compounds react in such a way as to liberate oxygen. 这两个化合物按这种方式起反应,就能放出氧气。
- The final purpose of all Marx theories is to liberate human. 马克思全部学说的最终目的是实现人的解放。
- For sending Master to us to take us to liberation. 感谢上帝赐给我们师父,带领我们解脱。
- Those oppressed nations are rising to liberate themselves. 那些受压迫的国家要站起来解放他们自己。
- Let me fly, to liberalize your life. 让我飞吧,去解放你的生命。
- One of our tasks is to liberate people from poverty. 我们的任务之一是把人民从贫困中解放出来。
- His aim was to liberate from the hands of the Manchu Dynasty. 他的目的是清朝手里解放中??。
- The remedy is to liberate ourselves from Franklin's equation. 矫正法就是让我们从富兰克林的等式中解脱出来。
- His aim was to liberate China from the hands of the Manchu Dynasty. 他曾遭遇屡次的失败,但他却一点也不灰心。
- Italy wanted to liberate territory from the Austro-Hungarians. 意大利想要解放奥匈帝国。
- The aim of our revolution is to liberate and expand the productive forces. 我们革命的目的就是解放生产力,发展生产力。