- She just managed to hold back her anger. 她总算抑制住了自己的愤怒情绪。
- Jim was able to hold back his anger. 吉姆抑制住了愤怒。
- The police cordon was unable to hold back the crowd. 警方的警戒线阻挡不住人群。
- The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters. 水坝不太坚固,挡不住洪水。
- Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight. 吉姆忍住了怒气,避免了一场殴斗。
- She tried to hold back her tears. 她试图抑制住眼泪。
- The police had to use force to hold back the crowd. 警察不得不用武力阻止人群。
- The police cordon is unable to hold back the crowd. 警方的警戒线阻挡不住人群。
- She was unable to hold back her excitement. 她按捺不住激动的心情。
- The police were unable to hold back the crowd. 警察阻拦不住人群。
- Finally, she was unable to hold back her tears. 最终她没能够控制住眼泪。
- To hold back or confine by means of a dam. 用水坝阻止,用水坝限制
- He tried to hold back his smile. 他想忍住不笑。
- She bit her lip to hold back the tears. 他强忍住怒火。她咬住嘴唇,忍住泪水。
- They must do something to hold back rushing fans. 他们必须想法挡住蜂拥而来的慕名者。
- We struggled to hold back our laughter. 我竭力控制不笑出声来。
- He struggled to hold back the tears. 他竭力抑制自己的眼泪。
- to hold back information 隐瞒消息
- We built banks of earth to hold back the flood waters. 我们筑起土坝,防止洪水泛滥。
- The thin cordon of police could do nothing to hold back the crowd. 警察围成的警戒线力量单薄,挡不住人群。