- To grant a license to or for;authorize. 准许发放许可证;授权
- To grant a license to or for; authorize. 准许发放许可证;授权
- to grant a petition 同意所请求之事
- He subscribed his name to a petition. 他在请愿书上签名。
- I had to grant a little reasonableness of your argument. 我必须承认你的论点有点道理。
- She filed a petition for divorce. 她提出了离婚申请。
- Making a petit point pillow is exacting work. 做一个小花边编织枕头是一项细致活儿。
- The decision on whether to grant a student visa extension will be made by DIAC. 如果最不回来,能不能拿到延长签证就要看移民局的脸色了。
- They presented a petition to the authorities. 他们向当局递呈请愿书。
- I had to grant the reasonableness of his argument. 我必须承认他的论点有道理。
- They presented a petition to the governor. 他们向总督递交了一份请愿书。
- She has filed a petition for divorce. 她已向法院申请离婚。
- Licensor agrees to grant a license to Licensee to export Contract Products to __________(Country). 许可方同意授予被许可方将合同产品出口到______(国家)。
- Jill volunteered to organize a petition. 吉尔自告奋勇组织请愿。
- They berated each other for being selfish and beseeched the court to grant a reading of the will. 他们责骂彼此的自私,并恳求法院准许他们阅读一次遗嘱。
- I have a petition I want you to read. 我有一份请愿书想让你读读。
- The Angolan Council of Ministers is expected to debate a proposal to launch a public tender to grant a third mobile phone license within the next few weeks. 安哥拉部长会议将在近几星期内对授出第三个手机经营许可证的投标提案进行讨论。
- Are you ready to grant that I was right? 你是否愿意承认我是对的?
- They addressed a petition to the legislature. 他们向立法机构提交了请愿书。
- If consensus is not reached during the time-period, any decision to grant a waiver shall be taken by three fourths4 of the Members. 如在此期限内未能协商一致,则任何给予豁免的决定应由成员的四分之三多数作出。