- to gird the waist with a sash 用饰带束腰
- She girds the waist with a sash 她用饰带束腰。
- She girded her waist with a sash.= She girded a sash round her waist. 她以饰带束腰,她把饰带束在腰上。
- She girded her waist with a sash.= She girded a sash round [around] her waist. 她以饰带束腰,她把饰带束在腰上。
- She girded her waist with a sash .= She girded a sash round [around] her waist. 最好的窃听办法是把窃听器隐藏在大楼目标一侧的铝制吊窗里面。
- He wore deep crimson robes, belted about the waist with a heavy, gold torque. 他穿着深红色的泡子,腰间系着一根金属饰环。
- Adorned with a crown of five skulls, a snake entwined in the hair, earrings, bracelets, anklets and a garland of freshly severed heads, he wears a great black cloak tied with a sash at the waist. 踏白象王财神表降伏毗那夜迦导邪。虎皮裙表净除一切贪念。
- gird one's waist with a sash 以带束腰
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- Keeping an 80’s mixed with Japanese graffiti feel;clothes were very conservative with a twist.Dresses and skirts showed off silhouettes and were cinched at the waist with belts. 延续了80年代的风格混合日式涂鸦的感觉,服装的扭折非常保守。
- the skirt snugged the waist with a belt 带子束腰的长裙
- I prick the map with a pin to show our route. 我用大头针在地图上扎孔标出我们的路线。
- The middle one is not a flag, is the girdle used to gird the mast and decorations. 中间的不是旗;是束住的旗杆与装饰的飘带.
- It's a nice skirt, but too big round the waist. 这条裙子挺漂亮,但腰身太大了。
- The middle one is not a flag,is the girdle used to gird the mast and decorations. 中间的不是旗;是束住的旗杆与装饰的飘带.
- They tried to row the small boat off with a paddle. 他们试图用桨把小船划开。
- Small Jingpo!For man to gird on waist. 小景颇!男人插腰壮阳的。
- She likes to spread the bed with a pretty cover. 她喜欢用漂亮的床罩来罩床。
- This dress needs to be taken in at the waist. 这件连衣裙的腰身需要改瘦。
- The dress needs taking in a bit at the waist. 这件洋装腰身需要改小一些。