- He used to flirt with every girl he met. 过去他总是看到一个姑娘便跟她调情。
- to flirt with an idea 遐想,自误;并非严肃认真地考虑某事
- To flirt with, especially in secret. 调情调情,尤指偷偷地
- I had a hard time trying to come up with an idea. 为了想出主意我苦思了半天。
- The grotesque sight of an old man trying to flirt with a young girl. 老头儿极力与少女调情那种离谱的样子。
- I got obsessed with an idea I called Global Motors. 我老是盘算着搞一个自己的环球汽车公司。
- She bowed in response to his compliment and fluttered her eyelashes in an attempt to flirt with him. 她低着头响应他的赞美,并眨着睫毛跟他眉来眼去。
- One day the librarian came up with an idea. 一天,图书管理员想出了主意。
- One day, the librarian with an idea. 有一天图书管理员想出一个办法。
- Wang still has plenty of time to flirt with perfect games. 王建民将来还有的是时间挑战完全比赛。
- To make a romantic advance on someone; to flirt with someone. 向某人献殷勤;和某人眉来眼去。
- Don't forget to flirt with her and satisfy her desire. 别忘了和她调调情,并满足她的欲望。
- After a few years, she may be ready to flirt with new partners. 多年之后,她或许已准备好与新伙伴眉来眼去了。
- Sometimes,the first step is the hardest coming up with an idea. 有时候,第一步是最难的,要有一个好主意。
- So she kept thinking about it and then came up with an idea. 所以她在那里想了半天,然后有一个主意了!
- Creating, thinking, imagining, everything began with an idea. 创造、思考、想象,万事源于想法。
- We are trying to flirt with China in order to bring pressure on them. 我们为了向他们施加压力,正在试图与中国拉关系。
- Dave's come up with an idea and he wants us to try it out. 戴维想出了一个主意,并想让我们试一试。
- If you want to flirt with women and get them attracted to you, be CHEEKY! 如果你想和女人调情并让们被你吸引,那就要把脸皮放厚点。
- Sometimes, the first step is the hardest coming up with an idea. 有时候,第一步是最难的,要有一个好主意。