- Rolled up his sleeve to exhibit the scar. 卷起袖子来显示露出伤疤
- To exhibit an iridescent shimmer of colors. 发乳光呈现出珍珠光泽的七色光线
- to exhibit impatience 显得不耐烦
- What line of products do you intend to exhibit? 展出商品是哪一类产品?
- The substance is then said to exhibit hysteresis. 因此人们说这类物质出现滞后现象。
- To exhibit great activity or energy. 展现活力表现出激情或精力
- Isabel felt he never did it to exhibit himself. 伊莎贝尔感到,他这么做不是为了卖弄自己。
- He was given a whole room to exhibit his paintings. 整个房间用来展览他的画作。
- To exhibit displeasure or disappointment; sulk. 面露不悦显示出不高兴或失望;愠怒
- To exhibit or show off one's strength. 显示或炫耀(某人的)力量
- I would like to exhibit at ISPA 2007. 我想参加ISPA 2007。
- To exhibit displeasure or disappointment;sulk. 面露不悦显示出不高兴或失望;愠怒
- Having a face that seems to exhibit honesty and sincerity. 相貌老实的,坦率的看起来相貌坦率诚实的
- Arachne filled her web with subjects designedly chosen to exhibit the failings and errors of the gods. 阿拉喀涅则故意地在自己的图案中织出了显示神祗们的缺点和错误的主题。
- He seldom permitted his opinions to exhibit themselves in his face. 他难得将自己感觉的东西形之于色的。
- Gorbachev made it a point to exhibit his own strength publicly. 然而,戈尔巴乔夫决心公开展示自己的力量。
- Lyalin soon began to exhibit the strain of leading a double life. 利亚林不久就显露出了双重生活的重压。
- Exhibiting or trained to exhibit a conditioned response. 调节好的表现出或训练出具有某种条件反射的
- I am fond of a diffident way which I see you to exhibit. 我喜欢您表现出来的谦卑。
- To exhibit recognition for(an antigen or a substrate, for example). 认出表现出对(例如抗原或基质)的同形认同