- to eviscerate a chicken 掏出鸡的内脏
- Imagine being a caveman and having to eviscerate a dinosaur with your bare hands, Terry said. 想想我们是穴居野人,不用任何器械,必须用双手掏出一只恐龙的内脏,怎么样?马特说。
- He's as tender as a chicken and not up to hard manual work. 他吃不了苦,胜任不了艰苦的体力劳动。
- I lack even the strength to tie up a chicken. 我手无缚鸡之力。
- Why Use a Poleaxe to Kill a Chicken? 割鸡焉用牛刀?
- Why use a butcher's knife to kill a chicken? 杀鸡焉用牛刀?
- Have you ever been to a chicken farm? 你去过养鸡场吗?
- No, I have never been to a chicken farm. 不,我从来没有去过养鸡场。
- A chicken has to break open its shell. 小鸡得把蛋壳弄破(才能出来)。
- You don`t need a poleaxe to kill a chicken. 孔子说:“杀鸡何必用宰牛的刀呢?”(四)君子不以言举人,不以人废言。
- He roasted a chicken for dinner. 他烤了一只鸡当作晚餐。
- I asked Tony why he was late to work and he told me some hard-luck story about having to take his mother's ageing pet poodle to the vet because it had swallowed a chicken bone. 我问托尼为什么上班迟到。他告诉我他碰到了倒霉事,他母亲那条宝贝的长卷毛狗因为咽下了一根鸡骨头,他只得送它去看兽医。
- “Imagine being a caveman and having to eviscerate a dinosaur with your bare hands,” Terry said. “想想我们是穴居野人,不用任何器械,必须用双手掏出一只恐龙的内脏,怎么样?”马特说。
- When you kill a chicken to eat,you have to pluck it. 当你杀鸡吃时,你得拔去鸡毛。
- I would like a chicken sandwich and a large coke to go. 我要一份鸡肉三明治和一大杯可乐带走。
- Was drenched from head to foot like a chicken in soup. 我从头到脚淋成了落汤鸡。
- All the kids used to call me a chicken when I was young. 小时候所有的孩子都叫我胆小鬼。
- We dined off half a chicken and salad. 我吃了半只鸡还有色拉。
- I made a chicken sandwich for myself. 我给自己做了个鸡肉三明治。
- I'll try a chicken salad sandwich. 我想尝尝鸡肉色拉三明治。