- to drag a fag 抽烟
- I've got to tidy my room. What a fag! 我得整理自己的房间。真是累人的事。
- It's too much of a fag to go out. 外出活动真叫人吃不消。
- We are sorry to drag you here at such a late hour. 我们很抱歉,在这样晚的时候把你拉到这里来。
- The truck used a cable to drag the car. 卡车用缆索拖曳汽车。
- Hold down the ALT key to drag a toolbar or menu item without displaying the Customize dialog box. 按住 Alt 键可以在不显示“自定义”对话框的情况下拖动工具栏或菜单项。
- To drag an oar at the end of a stroke. 拖桨在一次划浆的最后拖桨
- Consider the case in which you want to drag a grab handle around on the design surface. 请考虑您要在设计图面上来回拖动移动手柄的具体情形。
- Drag a TextBox control on to the form. 将TextBox控件拖到窗体上。
- For example, you might have tried to drag a DVD file with a .vob extension from a DVD to the Windows Media Player icon. 比如,你正试图拖曳一个.;vob后缀的DVD文件到WindowsMedia播放器快捷方式上。
- How much longer is this going to drag on? 这事还要拖多久?
- One horsepower is the amount of energy it takes to drag a horse 500 feet in one second. 一马力是一秒内把一匹马拽500英尺的能量。
- Drag a second table next to the first one. 将第二个表拖动到第一个表旁边。
- Ben Manibag:Why?You a fag or something? 班:怎么着?难道你是弯的?
- Toronto makes it illegal for people to drag a horse that is dead down Yonge Street on a Sunday. 在多伦多著名的央街,如果你在周日发现街上躺着一匹死马,那么千万不要试图拖走,因为那样是犯法的。
- Can I have a fag of your cigarette? 你能给我一支烟吗?
- Can I bum a fag?I haven't got any cigarettes left. 我可以向你要跟香烟吗?我没烟了。
- Almost as a last resort, we ducked into a cattail bay with some flooded timber, thinking we might be able to drag a pike or two out of the trees. 公司比较简陋,对此,他们的解释是,“还有大部分员工在原来的工作地点,这边正在装修”或“公司刚搬家,项目马上要启动,少数人加班”等。
- Drag a handle of the callout to resize the callout. 拖动图例的控点可以更改图例的大小。
- Use the mouse to drag the icon to a new position. 用鼠标将图标拖到一个新的位置。