- to donate to cancer research 为癌症研究捐款
- He donated to cancer research. 他捐款支持癌症的研究工作。
- They used to donate to the Red Cross every year. 他们每年捐钱给红十字会。
- Asking a miser to donate to charity is out of the question. 要求一个守财奴为慈善捐献是完全不可能的。
- She wanted to donate to Indiana Mother's Milk Bank in Indianapolis. 她想将这些捐献给印第安纳波利斯的印第安纳母乳银行。
- Rick Tallon is the first one every year who commits to donate to the backpacks. “李克.;塔伦医生每年都第一个为发放背包捐钱。”
- The chapters cover a wide spectrum of related interests, from the molecular bases of morphogen function, to human genetics to cancer research. 本章盖住宽范围有关使感兴趣,从分子基础的成形基因功能那里,令人类遗传学兑一癌症研究的是。
- She wanted to donate to the Indiana Mothers Milk Bank in Indianapolis. 她想捐赠给印第安纳波利斯的印第安纳母乳银行。
- According to Cancer Research UK, using a sunbed just once a month can increase your risk of skin cancer by more than half. 根据英国癌症研究院所示,一个月只做一次日光浴就会大大提高了一半患上皮肤癌的风险。
- She wanted to donate to the Indiana Mother's Mothers Milk Bank in Indianapolis. 她希望去印地安纳州的印第安纳母乳银行捐赠乳汁。
- We said we would give 10,000 pounds to Cancer Research ifJohndropped his trousers at the end of the match and he dulyobliged,a spokesman for the Irish bookmaker said. 这家爱尔兰博彩公司的发言人说:“我们允诺,如果约翰在比赛结束时把他的裤子脱了,我们将向癌症研究中心捐献1万英镑,约翰果然这样做了。”
- Local people lined up to donate blood for the brave girl. 当地群众排队给这位勇敢的姑娘献血。
- "We said we would give 10,000 pounds to Cancer Research if John dropped his trousers at the end of the match and he duly obliged," a spokesman for the Irish bookmaker said. 这家爱尔兰博彩公司的发言人说:"我们允诺,如果约翰在比赛结束时把他的裤子脱了,我们将向癌症研究中心捐献1万英镑,约翰果然这样做了。"
- She is willing to donate money to a worthy cause. 她愿为高尚的事业捐款。
- If you like Tor's goals, please take a moment to donate to support further Tor development. 如果你认同Tor的目标,请花一些时间捐助以支持Tor的后继开发。
- Members of the public are asked to donate to a community campaign raising funds for social welfare projects. 这是一项呼吁一般民众为社会福利事业捐款的联合募捐活动。
- The State encourages natural persons, legal persons or organizations to donate to public welfare. 国家鼓励自然人、法人或者其他组织对公益事业进行捐赠。
- If you would like to donate to help one or some of them, please contact with Rinpoche. 如果您想奉献爱心,认养资助其中某个或某几个孩子,请与活佛联系。
- Having only one hydrogen ion to donate to a base in an acid-base reaction;monoprotic. 一(碱)价的在酸碱反应中只有一个氢离子转移到碱上的;
- The scientists strive for a breakthrough in cancer research. 科学家们力争在癌症研究方面有个突破。