- She was trying hard to disgorge a fish bone. 她拚命想把鱼刺吐出来。
- Saliva helps one chew and digest food. 唾液能帮助咀嚼和消化食物。
- Fermentation also makes bread dough rise and helps us digest food. 利用发酵也可以使做面包的面团发起来,还能帮助我们消化食物。
- The soldiers had to disgorge the jewels which they had plundered. 士兵被迫交出抢劫的珠宝。
- Eat nutritious and easily digested food such as fish and beef congee. 多进食有营养及易于消化的食物,如鱼肉或牛肉粥。
- They persuaded him to disgorge the missing documents. 他们劝他交出不见的文件。
- The digested food is absorbed almost entirely from the small intestine. 消化过的食物几乎全部地由小肠吸收。
- Unwilling to disgorge the cash he had stolen, the embezzler tried to run away. 不愿吐出窃来的钱,这个贪污犯想逃走。
- The thick semifluid mass of partly digested food that is passed from the stomach to the duodenum. 食糜部分消化的食物的稠状半流体物,从胃进入十二指肠
- Unwilling to disgorge the cash he had stolen , the embezzler tried to run away. 不愿吐出窃来的钱,这个贪污犯想逃走。
- Most of the body's cholesterol is made in the liver and intestine from digested food. 身体的大部分胆固醇是在肝和肠内由消化的食物制成的。
- The necks of the bottles are then frozen and the corks removed to disgorge the accumulated sediments. 然后将瓶的颈部冻结并拔去瓶口的软木塞除去聚集的沉淀物。
- Regurgitate: To cause to pour back, especially to cast up (partially digested food). 反胃:造成回翻,特别是反胃(部分消化的食物)
- He should stay in bed until his fever goes down. Let him eat easily digested food and drink plenty of fluids. 他应该卧床直到体温下降至正常。他应吃易消化的食物。多喝饮料。
- Unwilling to disgorge the cash he had stolen from the pension fund, the embezzler tried to run away. 贪污者不愿交出从养恤基金里窃取的现金,试图逃之夭夭。
- London had already begun to disgorge its workers as he neared Putney Bridge; the ant-heap was on the move outwards. 汽车快到普尼桥时,伦敦已经开始吐出那些做工的人;蝼蚁似的人群正向城外涌去。
- I apportioned half the property to each of them. 我把财产的一半分配给他们各人。
- The common inverse relationship between AD and the efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD) was not detected. 幼虫对食物的转化率与近似消化率之间未表现出常见的反比关系;
- EXMP: Unwilling to disgorge the cash he had stolen , the embezzler tried to run away. 不愿吐出窃来的钱,这个贪污犯想逃走。
- Glands in the stomach secrete juices that help in digesting food. 胃腺分泌胃液帮助消化食物。