- to defy parental authority 公然违抗家长的权威
- You dare to defy my authority? You're fired. 你竟敢无视我的权威?你走吧!今天学的一词是defy。
- They believe it is essential to defy convention. 他们认为反抗流俗是绝对必要的。
- I wouldn't have dared to defy my teachers. 我可不敢不听老师的话。
- She said she was prepared to die, to defy W.T.O. 她说她不惜牺牲性命反世贸。
- He won't allow anyone to defy his ministerial authority. 他不允许任何人挑衅他的教长权威。
- Doctor does not dare to defy king's orders, complies down. 医生不敢违抗国王的命令,就答应下来。
- In the law system of China, the guardian and parental authority are not differentiated. 在我国的法律制度中,并未把亲权人和监护人分开。
- Therefore, it is necessary to differentiate the parental authority from guardianship in the law system of China. 由此可见,从法律制度上把亲权和监护加以区分,把亲权人和监护人区别开来,是很有必要的。
- No diet has ever been able to defy the laws of thermodynamics. 没有食物可以改变热力学的规律。
- His popularity continued to defy gravity, but authority was squandered, and public cynicism grew. 他的声望持续上升,但当局铺张浪费,民众挖苦不断。
- Parent authorizing a single deposit Followed by: 6.0. 家长批准一笔存款后一用例:6.;0。
- How long can those criminals continue to defy the law! 这些歹徒还要违抗法律多久!
- True Domination. Dominated subjects less likely to defy your will. 真实支配术:减少受支配者反抗你意志的可能性。
- His correspondence with his father testifies to his squandering great sums of money on pleasures and his constant quarrelling with parental authority about this and other matters. 他与其父的通信证实,他花费了大量金钱用于娱乐,而且他经常因各种事情与家长争吵。
- A problem that seems to defy a satisfactory solution. 难题表面看来似乎不能取得满意解决的问题
- The exercise of parental authority is based on the child-parent relationship, but the guardianship does not necessarily pertain to the parental authority. 亲权的行使以亲子关系为基础,但关于监护权的归属并不当然地授予亲权者,即父母。
- It is, of course, relatively easy for Swartz to defy his critics. 当然,对史瓦兹而言,要反抗批评他的人相当简单。
- Objective: The study examined adolescents' obedience, justifications, and feelings to parental authority as well as their interrelation in parent-adolescent conflict situations. 摘要目的:探讨不同领域的冲突情景中青少年对父母权威遵从的倾向、归因与情绪反应,及三者之间的相互关系。
- Conclusion: Adolescents' conceptions of parental authority are domain-specific, and their obedience, justifications and feelings interrelate with each other. 结论:青少年对父母权威的认知存在领域特殊性,遵从倾向、归因和情绪反应三者之间相互关联。