- It is a headache to decipher his sloppy penmanship. 辨认他的潦草的字迹叫人头痛。
- Anthropologist is still trying to decipher the rune find in the grave. 人类学家们仍然在尽力破译在这个坟墓里发现的神秘记号。
- A program that translates from machine language to assembly language, often to decipher existing machine language programs by generating symbolic code listings. 将机器语言翻译成汇编语言的程序,一般通过产生符号代码的清单来翻译已有的机器语言程序。
- Human genome project is expected to decipher the genetic codes in the human cell. 人们寄希望于人类基因组计划能破解人类细胞中所隐含的遗传密码。
- Anthropologists are still trying to decipher the runes found in the grave. 人类学家们仍然在尽力破译在这个坟墓里发现的神秘记号。
- The Warring States script is very difficult to decipher. 战国文字就像古老的密码,很难破译。
- I stooped to pick up a bottle and tried to decipher the small type. 我弯下腰拿起一小瓶药,费力地想认清瓶上的小字。
- Many of your words were new to meand took much time to decipher. 我从未有意去伤害你或误导你。
- All in all, it's hard to decipher exactly how to swallow Yue as a player. 总的来说,很难准确的评价孙悦这个球员。
- ItemTarget= type of target for skill? rather hard to decipher what this is for. //技能目标的种类?很难破解这是干什么的?
- Imagine learning the secrets Nostradamus never intended humanity to decipher. 假设诺查丹玛斯的秘密知识从未打算让人类去解读。
- Much of the interpretation is left to those in our timeline to decipher. 大多数解释留给在我们线性时间去译解的那些人。
- We can't let them free right now because you wouldn't be able to decipher them. 现在还不是让他们被释出的时候,因为你们还不能解出他们。
- We returned to the observatory and Iris began to decipher the ancient tablets. 我们会到天文台,艾里斯开始解读古代石板。
- Even in larger sizes, it is not always that easy to decipher the icons. 甚至使用在大图标时,有时也不是那么容易搞清图标的含义。
- For him who understands how to decipher them, armorial bearings are algebra,armorial bearings have a tongue. 对于擅长破译纹章的人来说,纹章始终是一个难解之谜,纹章是一种难懂的语言。
- To decipher a symbolic vision it is necessary to analyse it and break it down into its parts. 要解析一个象征性的灵视,必须对它进行分析,并将它分解。
- JSON, with its shorthand notation, can be difficult to decipher using the naked eye. JSON使用的是简洁的符号标记,这对于通过“普通”的眼睛来释读是很困难的。
- For him who understands how to decipher them,armorial bearings are algebra,armorial bearings have a tongue. 对于擅长破译纹章的人来说,纹章始终是一个难解之谜,纹章是一种难懂的语言。
- Geneticists have yet to decipher the complex code by which epigenetic marks interact with the other components of the genome. 目前,遗传学家还未破解外遗传标签与基因组其他组成之间,产生互动的复杂编码。