- He was able to cast off such an uninteresting task. 他终于摆脱了这么一项乏味的工作。
- They are going to cast off the hunting dog. 他们准备把猎狗放出来。
- To cast off one's inhibitions and have a good time. 离开居住地外出玩乐。
- I want to cast off all my old life. 我要弃绝我全部的旧生活。
- He was able to cast off such an uninterestingtask. 他终于摆脱了这么一项乏味的工作。
- To cast off in scales, flakes, or splinters. 使鳞片样脱落把表面剥成鳞片状或薄片状去掉
- Be careful not to cast off (or bind off) too tightly. 注意收口别太紧。
- He longed to cast off the exuberance of joy that oppressed him. 他非常希望发泄一下积压在心头的极度欢乐。
- The town is still trying to cast off its dull image. 该市镇仍在努力改变自己的单调形象。
- The only way is to cast off transmigration to go into nirvana. 其唯一途径就是摆脱轮迴,到涅槃道中去。
- After graduation, she decided to cast off and leave the country. 毕业之后,她决定抛弃并离开这个国家。
- How to cast off a person that is often pestering you? 怎样摆脱一个老是缠着你的人?
- She was pleased to be able to cast off such an unwelcome responsibility. 她很高兴,终于摆脱了这么讨厌的职责。
- Be careful not to cast off too tightly,or your work will lose its shape. 小心不要收得太紧,否则你织的东西就要变形。
- Be careful not to cast off too tightly, or your work will lose its shape. 小心不要收得太紧,否则你织的东西就要变形。
- Why should fabaceous beans pester me? I want to cast off it. Who can teach me? 豆豆为什么要缠着我?我想摆脱它。谁能教我吗?
- Am I pestered to cast off by affection do not come out? How should I do? 我被情感纠缠摆脱不出来?我该怎么办?
- The order was given to cast off and soon the ship was moving away from the quay. 解缆的命令下达后,船很快就驶离码头。
- It is good to be able to cast aside winter clothes. 能把冬衣搁在一边了,真好。
- The problem we have to solve is how to enable our one billion people to cast off poverty and become prosperous. 中国要解决十亿人的贫困问题,十亿人的发展问题。