- Goods and materials used to build dams and hold back floodwater have arrived. 用来拦洪筑坝的物资已经运到了。
- Flood-control projects on main streams and tributaries should be rationally planned and constructed. It is banned to build dams in lakes to reclaim cultivated land. 合理规划与建设干支流控制工程,禁止新的围湖造田。
- And Oregon, "The Beaver State," borrows its nickname from the large, flat-tailed rodent that uses trees to build dams. 俄勒冈州,也成为河狸之州,从一种用树木建大坝的大尾巴啮齿动物得来的。
- They have decided to build a dam across the river. 他们决定在这条河上建一座水坝。
- In order to fully utilize the local construction materials as raw materials to build dam, the wide grading of gravelly soil, a mixture of local soil, gravel and clay, were analyzed. 摘要为了充分利用当地建筑材料填筑均质土坝,对当地壤土、砂砾石、黏土掺和后的宽级配砾石土进行了分析。
- They have decide to build a dam across the river. 他们决定在这条河上建一座水坝。
- It takes a lot of labor to build a railway. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。
- Best thing would be to build a fire. 最好是生一堆火。
- Who tried to build a dam across the Mulan River. 尝试在木兰溪上拦河筑坝的人。
- You need more protein to build you up. 你需要增加蛋白质以增强体质。
- water diversion for flushing sand to build dam 引水拉沙筑坝
- He was appealing for funds to build a new school. 他在恳求拨款修建一所新学校。
- She was studying to build up her algebra. 她在学习以提高自己的代数水平。
- The government is planning to build a dam here. 政府打算在这里建一座水坝。
- They are said to build a hospital here. 据说他们要在这里盖一家医院。
- It takes a lot of labour to build a railway. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。
- He laid big stones at his house and began to build a pigsty. 他把大石块堆在房子前开始垒猪圈。
- It can take 10 years to build a dam. 修一个水坝可能要用十年的时间。
- The design was to build a new library. 计划是建造一个新图书馆。
- He tried to build up his strength. 他试图增进体质。