- to bowl a good game 玩滚木球戏玩得很好
- He bowls a good game. 他滚木球玩得好。
- It was a good game and they beat us fair and square. 这是一场很好的比赛,他们光明正大地赢了我们。
- Our team lost. It was a good game though. 我们队输了,可是这也不失为一场好球。
- It was a good game, but we lost! 比赛很精彩,可我们输了。
- He played a good game and a generous one. 他打得不错,不计较输赢。
- A good game session needs a lot of action. 一个好的团需要有很多动作场面。
- A stunt man needs to have a good guardian angel. 当特技替身演员的得有个守护天使来保佑。
- Botham came on to bowl after lunch. 午饭后博瑟姆开始投球。
- Television is very useful for winding down after a good game. 看完一场精彩的比赛以后看看电视非常有利于精神放松下来。
- It takes gumption to quit a good paying job. 要辞去一个待遇很好的工作需要勇气。
- It is thought to be a good game which can benefi t one's intellect. 当你要探访的人不在办公室的时候,留下你的名片也是常见的。
- Although the team lost the game, but he played a good game. 尽管球队输掉了比赛,但他踢了一场好的比赛。
- I'm going to give the house a good cleanup. 我准备把屋子好好打扫一下。
- He gave the bowl a thorough lick. 他把饭碗舔得一干二净。
- Could you please teach me how to bowl? 你能教我怎么投球吗?
- He played a good game. 他采用高明的手法。
- It's harder to bowl hook shots,but I don't mind. 要打弧旋球是非常困难的,但是我不介意。
- Six to one is a good price for that horse. 那匹马有六比一的赔率很不错。
- If I bowl a turkey, you can pay. 若我连续打三次全倒,你就请客。