- The vagrant had to beg for money. 那个流浪汉不得不乞求钱财。
- It must be very degrading to have to beg for money. 必须向别人乞讨钱一定是非常可耻的。
- Is it forbidden to beg for money? 乞讨在这里是被禁止的吗?
- Young macaques learning to beg for a living. 小猕猴懂得向途人讨食。
- One day, his aunt came to beg for forgiveness. 一日,密勒日巴的姑母前来祈求原谅。
- So, you've come to beg for the life of your son? 那么,你是来请求饶恕你儿子性命的?
- "I don't want to beg for help," she says, crying. “我不想乞求帮助,”她哭着说,
- She got down on her knees to beg for mercy. 她双膝跪下,祈求原谅。
- In those years they were forced to beg for a living. 那些年他们被迫出去讨饭。
- I'm surprised that he descended to begging for his food. 真让我吃惊,他竟堕落到沿街乞讨的地步。
- Workers who had lost their jobs had to beg for work shoveling snow. 失掉了工作的工人不得不求人家让他们干铲雪的工作。
- During the Depression,many people had to beg for a living. 在大萧条期间许多人不得不以乞讨为生。
- Poverty reduced them to begging for a living. 贫困迫使他们乞讨为生。
- to beg for sth 乞求某物
- Poverty reduced him to begging for a living. 贫困使他陷入讨饭的地步。
- The prisoners feel on their knees to beg for clemency. 俘虏们跪下求饶。
- She was reduced to begging for her living. 她落魄到讨饭的地步。
- He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the next house. 饥寒交迫之下,他决定向下一户人家讨口饭吃。
- Beg for sth. 请求得到
- The prisoners fell on their knees to beg for clemency. 囚犯们屈膝跪地乞求宽大处理。