- to atomize a liquid 喷液体为雾状
- to atomize a liquid 喷液体为雾状
- To convert(a liquid)to a fine spray;atomize. 雾化使(液体)化为细的喷雾;喷为雾状
- To convert(a liquid) to a fine spray; atomize. 雾化使(液体)化为细的喷雾;喷为雾状
- Water passes from a liquid to a solid state when it freezes. 水结冰是由液态变为固态。
- A liquid is made to flow through a siphon. 使液体通过虹吸管。
- Cheese is a solid; milk is a liquid. 乾酪是固体,奶是液体。
- The cement appears to be a liquid protein. 胶接剂看去象是一种液态蛋白质。
- The earth is believed to have a liquid core. 人们相信地球有一个液态核。
- To dip(food) into a liquid before eating it. 将(食物)在食用前在液体中浸一浸
- To submerge or disappear in or as if in a liquid. 沉浸淹没或消失在液体中或好象在液体中
- A mass of bubbles in or on a liquid; foam. 泡沫液体中的大量气泡; 泡沫
- A liquid condensed from vapor in distillation. 蒸馏液; 馏出物在蒸馏中,从蒸汽浓缩的液体
- The tower was blown to atoms by the force of the explosion. 爆炸的力量把塔炸得粉碎。
- To cover completely in a liquid;submerge. 浸没在液体中完全浸没;淹没
- To escape from a liquid as bubbles;bubble up. 泡腾从液体中溢出气泡;冒泡
- To cause (a gas or vapor) to change to a liquid. 液化:使(空气或蒸汽)变成液体。
- To vaporize(a liquid)by the application of heat. 汽化用加热办法使(液体)汽化
- For proper combustion it is necessary to atomize the propellants. 为了有效地进行燃烧,推进剂必须雾化。
- Reduction to a liquid form; liquefaction. 融化;液化缩减成液体形式;液化