- to allude doing 暗指, 间接提到
- Besides, it struck him as a little absurd to allude to the matter. 况且,他突然觉得提这事有点荒唐。
- She was far too polite to allude to the stain on his jacket. 这句话到底是是她暗示了还是没有暗示??
- Try not to allude to this matter in his presence because it annoys him to hear of it. 他在的时候千万别提及这件事,他听了要生气的。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你乐意的话,可以这样做。
- So obvious are the reasons which forbid this secession that it is necessary only to allude to them. 禁止退出的理由太过于明显,因此只要略予提及即可。
- I didn't allude to anything or anybody. 我并未影射任何人或任何事。
- Talk through interrupting or stop motion to allude what he changes to happen, tell him gently how to change next. 通过打断谈话或停止运动来暗示他变化的发生,然后轻轻地告诉他如何变化。
- I'll do everything possible to help you. 我会尽一切可能帮助你。
- Our grave and reverend servitor had one weakness to which, for the sake of historical accuracy, I feel bound to allude. 我们这位严肃的、受人敬重的仆人有一个缺点。为了记述的正确性,我觉得我不能不提及。
- Don't refer to this matter again, please. 请不要再提这件事了。
- The law does not spell out the nature of the threat, but it's widely thought to allude to imminent danger of an attack by China. 法案没有明确说明威胁的性质,但人们普遍地认为它影射即将到来的中国攻台的危险。
- The Mole knew well that it is quite against animal-etiquette to dwell on possible trouble ahead, or even to allude to it. 鼹鼠深知,一味谈论以后可能遇到的麻烦,哪怕只是间接地提一下,也是违反动物的戒律的。
- The law doesn't spell out the nature of the threat, but it's widely thought to allude to imminent danger of an attack by China. 法案没有明确说明威胁的性质,但人们普遍地认为它影射即将到来的中国攻台的危险。
- The Mole knew well that it is quite against animal-etiquette to dwell on possible trouble ahead, or even to allude to it; so he dropped the subject. 鼹鼠知道,老是谈论将来可能发生的麻烦事,哪怕只提一下,都不合乎动物界的礼仪规范,所以,他抛开了这个话题。
- Need to allude here of a bit is, hold the Russia Bai Yu of half of country of market of our country white jade at present. 在这里需要提及一点的是,目前占据我国白玉市场半壁江山的俄罗斯白玉。
- It's tempting to politicize the memory of a day so full of personal and national honor, too easy to allude to the wars of our times as if they naturally mirrored World War II. 今天我们回忆这一天,很容易将其政治化,因为那一天充满了个人的光荣和国家的荣耀,我们很容易将它和今天的战争联系起来,仿佛我们今天进行的战争自然可以和二战同日而语。
- My lame excuse is that I have too much to do. 我那站不住脚的借口就是我要干的事太多了。