- to adumbrate the reform 预示改革的到来
- What does cancer have to adumbrate? 癌症有什么预兆?
- A few die-hards are trying to stop the reforms. 一小撮死硬派企图中止改革。
- The reform has reduced us to servants of the state. 这一改革把我们都降为公务员了。
- The reform is at its critical stage now. 改革正处于关键阶段。
- The reform of higher education continued to deepen. 高等教育改革继续深化。
- The reform bandwagon swept across the country. 改革浪潮席卷全国。
- How to Push the Reform of Social Management System? 如何推动社会管理体制的改革?
- The reform responses to the demands of the people. 改革反映了人民的需要。
- The reform have result in tremendous change in our country. 改革使我们国家发生了巨大变化。
- to adumbrate the plan 简略谈计划
- The population as a whole is/are in favour of the reform. 全体人民普遍拥护改革。
- A few die hards are trying to stop the reforms. 一小撮死硬派企图中止改革.
- The reform resolution was adopted by acclamation. 改革决议经鼓掌通过。
- We have made up our minds to deepen the reform. 我们决心深化改革。
- The reforms were generally adjudged to have failed. 人们普遍认为,改革已经失败。
- What can there be to adumbrate before occurrence schizophrenia, the depressed disease that how calculates? 出现精神分裂症之前会有什么预兆,怎样算的抑郁症?
- The success of the reform lay a good foundation. 这次改革的成功是一个良好的基础。
- One of the reforms allows the local education department to choose their own textbooks based upon the national teaching guideline. 其中之一就是允许地方教委在国家教学大纲的指导下选择合适自身的教材。
- The dream that how knows oneself excuse me is really false? What to always do nightmare to you can have to adumbrate unspecifiedly? 请问如何知道自己的梦境是真是假?总是做噩梦会不会有什么不详的预兆?