- They were doing that to take him down a peg or two. 他们那样做是为了杀杀他的威风。
- They were doing that to take him down a peg. 他们那样做是为了杀杀他的威风。
- They are doing that to take him down a peg or two. 他们那样做是为了杀杀他的威风。
- He proceeded to take down a wig which was hanging on a nail, and put it hurriedly on his head. 他把挂在钉子上的假发取下来,熟练地往头上一扣,同时宣布:
- He went at a pace slow enough for the listeners to take down a lot of what he said. 虽然他不是口授,可是讲的速度慢得足以让听众记下他讲的许多话。
- They do that to take him down a peg or two. 他们那样做是为了杀杀他的威风。
- They then saw rich, then natural and unrestrained, their heart is unbalanced, but also want to take down a boss, eats taste. 看到他们那么富有,那么潇洒,自己内心是不平衡的,也想退下来时品尝一下当老板的滋味。
- He needed to be taken down a peg or two. 需要煞煞他的威风。
- That fellow needs to be taken down a peg. 需要挫挫那家伙的傲气。
- Let me take down a few particulars. 让我了解一下详情。
- Would you like me to take down your hair? 你要不要我把你的头发放下来?
- He began to take down the two sets of films. 他开始把两组底片拿了下来。
- I need to take down notes for the class. 我必须为同学们作笔记。
- Workmen arrived to take down the scaffolding. 工人前来拆除脚手架。
- Workmen arrived to take down the scaffolding . 工人们已去拆除脚手架。
- He took down a dusty row of volumes. 他把一套积满灰尘的书搬下了书架。
- They are taking down a crane [the scaffolding]. 他们正在拆吊车[脚手架]。
- I forgot to take down his telephone number. 我忘记了记下他的电话号码。
- He took down a dictionary from the top shelf. 他从书架顶格拿下了一本词典。
- They are taking down a dangerous bridge. 他们正在拆除一 危险的桥。