- The bus was full,but they were able to squeeze in. 公共汽车已经满了,可他们设法挤进去了。
- Each bus is full,so I have to squeeze in now. 每一辆车都是满的,所以我必须现在就往里挤。
- Each bus is full, so I have to squeeze in now. 每一辆车都是满的,所以我必须现在就往里挤。
- The bus was full, but they were able to squeeze in. 公共汽车已经满了,可他们设法挤进去了。
- The room was crowded but I managed to squeeze in. 房间人很多, 不过我还是设法挤了进去。
- The room was crowded, but I managed to squeeze in. 房间已经挤满了人, 不过我还是设法挤了进去。
- We always managed to squeeze in those official messages,I suppose. 我们经常成功地利用在发送官方信号过程的间隙进行彼此沟通。
- There are already four people in the lift,but he manages to squeeze in. 电梯里已经有四个人了,但他还是挤进去了。
- Do you think we have time to squeeze in a snack between now and the meeting? 你觉得我们能在开会前抽时间吃点什么吗?
- If we have enough time, I'd like to squeeze in a shower before we go out. 如果我们还有点时间,我想在在出门之前插抽空先洗个澡。
- There were already four people in the lift,but he managed to squeeze in. 电梯里已经有四个人了,但他还是挤进去了。
- However, we still manage to squeeze in everything inside the car and drove off. 还好我们还是成功把所有行李塞进车里,开始我们的旅程了!
- There were already four people in the lift, but he managed to squeeze in. 电梯里已经有四个人了; 但他还是挤进去了.
- Ok, and now I just have time to squeeze in a short conversation with Michael Jordan. 与咱现在有时间与迈克尔
- Instead of trying to squeeze in a quickie, take the time to ask your guy to embark on this sexual experience with you. 取代那种想要挤出一顿快餐的办法,花点时间请你的伴儿和你一起进行这次性体验。
- Democrat Barack Obama managed to squeeze in a fundraising during his Hawaii vacation. 民主党人奥巴马在夏威夷休假期间成功筹集到资金。
- Do you think you can squeeze in your lunch break between the two meetings? 你看你能在两个会议之间挤出吃午饭的时间来吗?
- If another planet tried to squeeze in between the existing ones, gravitational perturbations would eventually destabilize its orbit. 如果另一个行星尝试强行介入存在的行星之间,重力的扰动很快就会使其轨道不稳定。
- It wasn’t too long ago that I drudged through my work day and only attempted to squeeze in a jog or bike ride once or twice a week. 前不久,我为工作奔波劳累,只能试着每周挤出点时间慢跑或骑自行车那么一两次。
- The girl found a gap and squeezed in. 小女孩找了个空子挤了进去。