- to hide one's head (或 face) 把头(或脸)藏起
- She pulled a face to hide her embarrassment. 她做了一个鬼脸来掩饰她的窘态。
- Name which you take to hide your real name. 用来掩盖你真名的名字。
- Someone was trying to hide behind one of the sails. 有人正想躲在帆的后面。
- The more one tries to hide, the more is exposed. 欲盖弥彰。
- make merry to hide one's sorrows 以乐慆忧
- Let 's head back to the intersection. 我们开回到那个交叉路口去。
- She darted into the doorway to hide. 她冲到门口躲藏起来。
- Old Clubfoot wrenched the bull’s head to the side. 旧马蹄扳牛市的头部至一边。
- Is there some face powder to hide my freckles? 有没有蜜粉可以掩盖我的雀斑?
- Sam : Let’s head to Main Beach at East Hampton. 山姆 :我们去东汉普敦的大海滩吧。
- Are you trying to hide something from me? 你是不是有什么事想瞒着我?
- She manufactured a false story to hide the facts. 她编 造瞎话以掩盖事实。
- The Establishment is trying to hide the truth. 当局想要掩盖真相。
- The cashier juggled the accounts to hide his theft. 那个出纳员窜改帐目,企图隐瞒他盗用钱款的行径。
- Erasmus turned his face to hide his tears . 伊拉玛转过脸去,不让主人看到他的泪水。
- He juggled the figures to hide his embezzlement. 他为了隐瞒挪用公款一事而在数字上做了手脚。
- The nurse cushioned the patient 's head. 护士在病人头部铺上垫子。
- It was the work of a few moments to hide the damage. 只需一会儿就可以把损坏的地方遮掩起来。
- He is modeling the girl 's head in clay. 他在用粘土制作女孩的头部塑像。