- They don’t know how to goof off,at least in the best,fat sense of the word. 他们不知道该如何游手好闲,至少,胖人们对这个词可是具有相当的认识。
- We're not exactly rich, but there is an income that allows me to goof off and write academic books. 我们虽然不是严格地富裕,不过还是有一个稳定收入来源,让我可以随意打发时间和写一些学术著作。
- Some students were using their computers to goof off or visit unauthorized websites. 一些学生曾经用电脑访问未授权网站来打发时间。
- Goof around He used to goof around. 他以前经常鬼混。
- You'll get fired if you goof off too much at work. 如果你在上班时太偷懒,你会被开除。
- You’ll get fired if you goof off too much at work. 如果你在上班时太偷懒,你会被开除。
- Children or young people often goof off. 我才不会忘掉我们那次去看电影的事呢。
- The employees would goof off whenever the boss wasn't around. 只要老板不在,雇员便偷懒。
- He wasn't drunk, he was goofing off. 他并未喝醉,而是茫然出神。
- If you ask him to do anything, he will just goof off. 你要是求他做什么事,他总是推托。
- If you ask him to do anything,he will just goof off. 你要是求他做什么事,他总是推托。
- If left to their own devices team members will goof off. 如果让团队成员独立工作,他们就会变成蠢货。
- My best friend win the high school senior goof off award. 我最要好的朋友赢得高三的
- I told him not to goof around. 我叫他不要游手好闲。
- They didn't go to school today, they goofed off downtown instead. 他们今天没去上学,而是在街上闲逛。
- Ahhh, summer. Time to goof off. There‘s only one catch. 哈哈,暑假。该出去的时候了。只有这么一次时机。
- On Saturday afternoons, I like to go to a movie or just goof off at home. 星期六下午,我喜欢去看场电影,或者待在家里什麽事也不做。
- During the summer, kids get to goof around because there is no school. 夏天孩子们不必上学而得以四处游荡。
- They just goofed off till train time. 他们只是闲荡着,直到可以上火车的时间。
- Why don't you just admit you're goofing off? 偷了懒就偷了赖,还不爽爽快快承认?