- 那么为什么我们说I am going to see a friend?Then why do we say @I am going to see a friend@?
- 封斋夜的故事A Story on Mardi Gras
- 那就应该说成I'm going to see the friend,是吗?It should be @I'm going to see the friend@, right?
- 快速阅读指的实际是快速泛读(fast extensive reading),是与精读相对的另一层次、另一意义上的英语阅读。English fast reading here actually indicates fast extensive reading. Compared with intensive reading, fast reading is another kind of English reading in levels and meanings.
- 根据伊斯兰教的规定,9岁以下的男孩因为未成年而不用封斋。According to Islamic rules, boys under 9 do not need to fast.
- 去见在家中的或在工作处的某人可以说visit, 也可说go to see.We can visit or go to see someone at home or at work.
- 一次,在封斋节,有个年轻的助理主教来到迪涅,在天主堂里讲道。In the course of one Lent, a youthful vicar came to D----, and preached in the cathedral. He was tolerably eloquent.
- SEE可预见效益SEE forseeable benefit
- 什么时候说“See you”才得体?When is it appropriate to say,"See you"?
- 大斋节,封斋期从圣灰星期三(大斋节的第一天)到复活节的四十天,基督徒视之为禁食和为复活节作准备而忏悔的季节The 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday until Easter observed by Christians as a season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter.
- Done和seen是do和see的过去分词。'Done' and 'seen' are the past participles of 'do' and 'see'.
- 英语中,不定式往往与"to"字连用。In English an infinitive is often used with the word "to".
- 大斋节,封斋期从圣灰星期三(大斋节的第一天)到复活节的四十天,基督徒视之为禁食和为复活节作准备而忏悔的季节The40weekdays from Ash Wednesday until Easter observed by Christians as a season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter.
- "keep"与"see"这两个动词的词形变化是不规则的the verb " keep " and " see " are irregular in their inflection
- (接“to”)排他性的适用于特定的种类、情况或者地点。(followed by'to') applying exclusively to a given category or condition or locality.
- 我可以说,“Long time no see”吗?Can I say, "Long time no see"?
- TO试剂TO
- 二零零零年十一月廿五日?星期六??回历八月廿九日?看月;如见月,则十一月廿六日?星期日?封斋;如不见月,则准于十一月廿七日?星期一?封斋。If the moon is sighted on Saturday 25th Movember 2000 (29th Shaban) Fasting will commence on Sunday 26th November 2000, otherwise FASTING will commence on Monday 27th November 2000.
- 变量文档只能包括嵌入的HTML以及@see引用。Variable documentation can include only embedded HTML and @see references.
- TO封装TO packaging