- He is unable to divorce fantasy from reality. 他不能将幻想与现实分开。
- to divorce one's parents 与父母脱离关系
- To dishonor and curse one’s parents was equal to blasphemy. 不孝顺父母和咒诅父母就等于是亵渎上帝。
- My information is that they are going to divorce. 我所得到的信息是他们打算离婚。
- They proposed to divorce church and state . 他们提议将教会和国家分开。
- They proposed to divorce church and state. 他们提议将教会与国家分开。
- It is hard to divorce love and duty. 爱情和责任感是难以分割的。
- To divorce her because she is so neurotic. 因为她太神经质了,所以他要跟。
- Ylang’s parents did not like Edo. 依兰的父母不喜欢埃都。
- He wants to divorce her because she is so neurotic. 因為她太神经质了,所以他要跟她离婚。
- My information is they're going to divorce. 我所得到的信息是他们打算离婚。
- Is he still unable to divorce fantasy from reality? 他还是不能区别幻想与现实吗?
- This relationship of respect towards one' s parents extends to one' s attitude towards superiors and rulers. 这种对父母的尊敬关系推广到长辈和上级那里。
- They proposed to divorce church from state. 他们提议将政教分开。
- It is difficult to divorce politics from sport. 把政治和体育完全分开是很难的。
- Then He knocks the tradition of neglecting one’s parent’s financial needs by designating their rightful portion “corban” (a gift devoted to God). 祂特别抨击人所订的公义程式,也就是洁与不洁的问题。法利赛人看不惯耶稣的门徒在吃饭前不先洗手。
- She still refuses to divorce him. 她仍然拒绝与他离婚。
- Gracie, do u know why that boy‘s parent did not open the door? 原因就是这是他们丫特色绝招,犯蔫儿,看情况不出来躲着!
- In Islam, serving one 's parents is a duty second to prayer, and it is their right to expect it. 在伊斯兰教中,服侍父母是仅次于祈祷的个人义务,父母有权利期盼这一天的到来。
- Alan and Lucy eloped against Lucy' s parents' wishes last week. 爱伦和罗茜违抗罗茜父母的愿望上星期私奔了。