- I want a pen pal to correspond with. 我想要一个通信的笔友。
- There were two bedrooms to correspond with the rooms downstairs. 楼上有两间与楼下相仿的房间。
- The children (students) are very excited to correspond with you. 孩子们非常热切的盼望着与你们通信。
- He still needs to correspond with his lawyer on this matter. 他仍需和他的律师通信讨论此事。
- I would be happy to correspond with any readers interested in this book. 我很高兴与对这本书感兴趣的任何读者通信。
- In this chamber only, the colors of the windows failed to correspond with the decorations. 只有这间房的窗玻璃颜色没有跟房间里的装饰的颜色一致。
- Twenty-five years after she visited a foreign country,she continued to correspond with people. she had met there. 例如,25年后的今天她仍和她访问过的一个国家的朋友保持通信。
- Because on a number of issues his subjective thinking failed to correspond with objective reality. 就是在一部分问题上他的主观跟客观实际不相符合。
- Twenty-five years after she visited a foreign country, she continued to correspond with people. she had met there. 例如,25年后的今天她仍和她访问过的一个国家的朋友保持通信。
- The division into four frequency ranges was made to correspond with typical frequency limits on four different types of recording instruments. 分成4个频率范围是为了与4种不同类型记录仪器的典型频率限度相适应。
- Her actions do not correspond with her words. 她言行不一。
- This name simply refers to the remote server from within the local database; it does not need to correspond with the name the server supplies. 此名称只是在本地数据库中标识该远程服务器;它不需要与服务器提供的名称对应。
- Guests follow Siddhartha's story through the seven scenes, which have been themed to correspond with each stage of Siddhartha's spiritual journey. 释迦牟尼顿悟成佛的七个阶段,化成七个设计精心的场景,让旅客亲身经历佛祖得道的故事。
- Several metropolitan areas along the southeastern and Gulf coasts showed high lung cancer rates that failed to correspond with the industrialization index. 沿东南部和海湾沿岩的若干大城市地区肺癌率显得高,这同工业化指数是不一致的。
- His design, for the most part, correspond with the actual needs. 他的设计绝大多数情况下都符合实际需要。
- When an object of low frequency comes in contact with an object of higher frequency, its lower frequency will be adjusted to correspond with the higher one. 当低振动频率的东西接触到高振动频率的东西,本身的频率就会被调高。
- The unmodulated carrier first transmits at the center of the mask, and the top of the mask adjusts to correspond with the output power of the transmitter. 能保证无线电没有满足需求,且没有这个证明,是不能合法销售的。
- To my dismay, my choice didn't correspond with my daughter's. 让我不安的是,我的选择与我女儿的并不一致。
- To correspond in gender, number, case, or person. 呼应,一致在性、数、格或人称方面彼此呼应,一致
- To correspond exactly;be identical. 完全相应;相同