- Stand clear of the swinging boom of the crane. 不要走近转动的超重机吊杆。
- From every window head is crane for a view of it. 每一个窗口都有人探出头来看。
- a Titan crane (自动)巨型起重机
- He crane his neck to get a glimpse of the parade. 他伸长脖子看了看游行的队伍。
- The driver slewed the crane round. 司机把吊车转了过来。
- The long boom of the crane functions like our arms. 起重机的长臂与我们的手臂功能相同。
- A grey crane flew onto the tree. 一只灰鹤飞到树上。
- titan crane 巨型起重机
- We used a crane to lift the huge box into the backyard. 我们使用起重机将这个大箱子搬进了后院。
- I offer you the very blade I used to slay a titan. 我赐予你我那我那真正的武器,那我曾经用来杀死过泰坦巨人的武器。
- The long boom of the crane function like our arms. 起重机的长臂与我们的手臂功能相同。
- Saturn's mysterious satellite Titan? 土星的神秘卫星土卫六??
- Can Titan return to the inn by ten? 泰坦能在10点前回到旅馆吗?
- Titan's Wall is the mountain's hardest rock climb. “巨人墙”是这座山最难攀登的一段山岩。
- Holmes, Renaissance titan or last of the Mohigans? 福尔摩斯,文艺复兴的巨人还是最后一个莫希干人?
- The driver slewed his crane round. 司机转动吊车。
- Giant Machining Centre from Titan Machine Co. Titan公司的重型加工中心
- Gaia : You know of the mighty Titan, Cronos. 盖亚:你知道强大的泰坦克罗诺斯。
- One crane dipped into No.2 hold and came up with a "Shanghai" sedan. 一架起重机的吊杆伸入二号舱,吊出一辆上海牌轿车。
- The Titan Arum opens every one to three years. 大王花每1至三年才开一次花。