- tinners snip 镀锡铁皮剪刀
- These typewriters are a snip at50. 这些打字机是50英镑一台的便宜货。
- These typewriters are a snip at 50 . 这些打字机是50英镑一台的便宜货。
- You pick up the scissors and snip the cord. 你拿起剪刀,剪断了那根绳索。
- These typewriters are a snip at 50. 这些打字机是50英镑一台的便宜货。
- With a few quick snip of the shear he prune the bush. 他用大剪刀几下子就把灌木给修剪好了。
- To throw ,as in“B ung a tinner[can of beer]over here. “扔”或“丢”之意,如:“扔罐啤酒给我。”
- Snip of the green on the carrot and glue onto place as the nose. 切掉胡萝卜的叶子,粘在雪人鼻子的位置上。
- Barber: It isn't that. Sometimes I snip off a bit of a customer's ear. 理发师:不是这么会事,而是因为我常常会剪掉客人们一点耳朵什么的。
- No sooner had she made one snip that out came the head of one of the kids. 她刚刚剪开一个小口,一个孩子的头就冒了出来。
- If you are going to snip all that I wrote, you might aswell snip me out, too. 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。
- Out they both jumped together;then in.Out, in;out, in.Snip, snap, snip. 他们一起跳出去,然后跳进来,一出一进,剪、喀嚓、剪掉。
- So Ron had shrugged, signed him for a snip and bade Wattie farewell. 所以罗恩只是耸了耸肩,签下了他,告别了沃森。
- White on toes and slim white snip on center line of face permissible. 身躯:柔韧,胸深差不多达到肘部。肋骨支撑良好。适度上提。
- Only the Japanese yen,undervalued by 27%, could be considered a snip. 只有日元被低估了27%25,可以认为是个例外。
- It's a snip at only 50p! 才 50 便士,真便宜!
- The distinguished guests from Advanced Technology Center were Dr.Lin Bin (techno-majordomo), Dr. tinner (testing master), and Lady Ma Xin (university-cooperating commissioner). 这次来访的嘉宾有微软亚洲工程院技术总监林斌博士、测试师tinner博士、高校合作专员马歆女士。
- He used enzymes to snip the long carbohydrate chain into framents and then rearrange them to form a sugar called fructose. 他用酶把碳水化合物分子打断,并形成新的糖--果糖。
- They cost between C$600,000 and $2m ($600,000-2m), an enormous amount to locals, but a snip to European buyers used to less space for more money. 它们的成本在60,000-2,000,000加元之间,对当地人来说是笔庞大的支出,但对于习惯于花大价钱买小地方的欧洲买家而言,只是九牛一毛。
- If using this method, be sure to punch the holes from the opposite side and snip off the punched pieces of lead to avoid having them come loose inside the frame. 如果使用这个方法,一定要确定钻孔时要从外拍框向内拍框打孔,谨防避震条钻下的部分进入拍体。