- The net effect of exchange rate depreciation and its risk on exports in Taiwan between 1979 and 2001 is investigated in a bivariate GARCH-M model that stimultaneously estimates time varying risk. 摘要:本文建立双变量GARCH-M模型,使用1979至2001年的月资料,联立估计汇率贬值及其随时间变动汇率风险对台湾出口贸易的影响,并据以评估汇率贬值刺激出口的效果。
- Transform domain LMS adaptive filtering is widely used in time varying system. 摘要为了改善时变系统中的LMS算法收敛速度,一般可以在变换域进行自适应处理。
- SARA immediately assigns a real time, on-line risk rating. SARA立即给予实时、在线的风险等级评定。
- Numerical solution shows the entanglement density depends on time varying sinusoidally about a cycle-averaged value that is regarded as a consequence of an equivalent steady shear rate. 因此,在时均意义上,振动剪切流的时均网络结构状态可等效为稳态剪切流的缠结平衡状态。
- The super-exponential iteration (SEI) blind equalization algorithm has the advantage of good tracking capability of the time varying channel. 超指数盲均衡算法的迭代算法收敛速度快,且便于跟踪时变信道。
- In this thesis, we consider the problem of acoustic echo cancelation for a time varying environment. 摘要:在本篇论文里,我们探讨在时变环境里声学迴音消除的问题。
- Albrecht A, Magueijo J. Time varying speed of light as a solution to cosmological puzzles. 爱因斯坦A.;七十岁生日时的心情
- To circumvent such limitations, an EMD and time varying VARMA model based method is proposed. 针对上述限定,提出了基于EMD和VARMA模型的信号处理方法。
- What can only cause Icelandic Koruna to be strong raises its risk rate of return, but this at present not in the least sign. 惟一能够使冰岛克朗坚挺的是提高其风险回报率,而这目前毫无迹象。”
- This paper develops a new VMI model with linear time varying demand and partial backlogging, which includes a single vendor and buyer and from raw material to final product. 摘要考虑订货商面临线性时变需求和仓库在出空期间出现短缺量部分拖后的情况,提出了一个从原材料到产成品包括单一供应商和订货商的供应商管理库存模型,并进行了最优解仿真寻优计算。
- You can check the risk rating that Kiva assigns each field partner. 你可以察看Kiva给予每一个在地合作夥伴的风险评等。
- Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm converges quickly and it is suitable for time varying scenarios in OFDM systems. 仿真结果表明该算法收敛速度较快,适合应用于信道随时间变化的OFDM通信系统中。
- After comparing the highest water level series with the dam height, we estimated the possible flood control risk rate and analyzed the calculating result. 把所求的最高水位系列与坝高进行比较,判断柘林水库可能存在的防洪风险率,并对计算结果进行分析。
- Optimal control theory often dictates that nonlinear time varying control law be used, even if the basic system is linear and time-invariant. 即使系统是线性定常的,最优控制理论通常给出非线性时变控制律。
- The risk factors of operation during the intercepting and storing the flood tail is analyzed and identified,a calculating method of the risk rate from hydrological fre... 通过对石泉水库不同超蓄水位的风险率进行计算,结合可接受风险率值,得出了该水库拦蓄洪尾超蓄运用的期望水位。
- The features of BTT control have determined that BTT missile is a strong coupling and time varying system, which is hard to design a control system. BTT控制技术的控制特点决定了BTT导弹成为一个强耦合的非线性时变系统,这为其控制系统设计增大了难度。
- Peter J.Clifford, Barrington, R.I., “Time varying gain amplifier for side scan sonar applications,” United States Patent 4198702, 1980. 林佳玮,“水下静态目标物之长期监测与工程稳定性分析”,国立中山大学海洋环境及工程研究所硕士论文,民92.;6。
- A low complexity joint channel estimative and decoding algorithm for STBC-OFDM systems in time varying or unknown channel is presented. 摘要提出一种针对空时块码正交频分复用(STBC-OFDM)系统在信道不确知或时变情况下的低复杂度联合信道估计与解码算法。
- The process of mold level control becomes very complicated because of the nonlinear characteristics of time varying and lag. 摘要结晶器液位控制系统中存在时变、滞后等非线性特性,使得它的控制变得特别复杂。
- The signal of colloidal-gold strips are converted from light into electricity and then processed, modeled by computer. In the end the risk rate of Down's syndrome can be got by calculating with the software of prenatal screen for Down's syndrome. 该测试系统对金标试条测试信号进行光电转换、信号处理和计算机建模,最后通过筛查软件得出被测孕妇怀有唐氏综合征胎儿的风险率。