- Europeans of the 19thcentury thought so because prestige and status in Europe at that time depended partly on family, which did not count for so much. 19世纪时欧洲人认为美国人崇拜金钱,因为当时欧洲的威望和地位部分地取决于门第,而在美国门第不那么重要。
- The gel time and the curing time depend on the mixed volume, the temperature and the thickness of the layer. 凝胶时间和固化时间要根据混合量,温度和层数的厚度来定。最终性能取决于固化水平。
- New Product and project analysis, include cash flow, investment, margin and pay back analysis. 新产品及项目分析,包括其现金流量,固定资产投资,产品利润及回报期等分析。
- In this paper, using the Fourier analysis method,we will prove the time dependent form of div-curl lemma. 本文中我们用Fourier分析方法证明了含时的div-curl引理。
- Combining with numerical samples, the uniqueness and stability are studied for back analysis. 结合数值算例,研究了参数识别中需要解决的反问题的唯一性和稳定性问题。
- Using the method of microelement with the skill of back analysis, we can realize the inverse desi... 在细观元方法的基础上引入反分析技术,就能实现具有复杂结构材料件在细观层次上单参数反演与识别。
- In back analysis,the unreasonable modality is not only helpless for the load identification,but also interferefering... 然而在工程实行中,常常是很难对作用于结构的外载荷作直接测量和计算。
- A new method is presented to analyze the vertical load bearing performances of prefab piles with optimization and back analysis techniques. 对预制桩的竖向承载性能进行计算研究,提出了一种分析预制桩竖向承载性能的新方法。
- CGP - 42112A has positive dose and time dependent effect on cells apoptosis. 结论 AT_2受体可诱导新生大鼠肾小管上皮细胞凋亡,凋亡细胞数与受体剂量正相关,与受体兴奋剂作用时间正相关。
- You can't depend on the train arriving on time. 千万不要认为这列火车能正点到达。
- The back analysis formulas of viscoelastic displacements are derived from BEM according to the fundamental principle of inverse process, and it is compared with FEM BA formulas. 本文根据逆过程法的基本原理,导出了以边界元法为基础的粘弹性位移反分析公式,并将其与以有限元法为基础的基本公式作了比较。
- A new approach for back analysis of mechanical parameters of dams combining BP neural network with uniform design and genetic algorithm was established. 将均匀设计理论、BP神经网络和遗传算法三者结合起来,应用于大坝力学参数反分析中。
- Slide 5.0 is the most comprehensive slope stability analysis software available, complete with sensitivity, probabilistic and back analysis capabilities. 0是目前可用的最全面的倾斜稳定性分析软件,完整地包括了灵敏度、概率和背面分析功能。
- We can depend on his arriving here on time. 我们可以相信他会准时到来。
- Saturday Delivery commitment times depend on the shipping service you choose, and the origin and destination of your shipment. 星期六派送承诺时间取决于您所选择的托运服务,以及您的货件的起运地和目的地。
- To calculate rockmass and surface subsidence by using numeric analysis of rock mechanics, back analysis of displacement is used to study identification and theoretical analysis. 为应用岩石力学数值分析方法进行岩层与地表移动计算,采用位移反分析方法,进行了模型识别和理论分析研究。
- In this form the traveling-wave nature of the individual modes and their explicit time dependence are brought out. 这种形式的表达式显示出各个模的行波特性及它们显含时间的关系。
- DFP optimum method and its application to displacement back analysis[J].Journal of North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power,2003,23(1):1-3. DFP优化法及其在位移反分析中的应用[J].;华北水利水电学院学报;2003;23(1):1-3
- With an approach of combination of thermal rising test of cubic block in-situ and back analysis,the thermal retardation capability of polystyrene foam board is analyzed. 采用施工现场混凝土立方体非绝热温升试验和反演分析相结合的方法,对聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料板外贴法的保温能力进行分析研究。
- For simple applications one might simply have an Real Time Clock interrupt signal a semaphore and have a process that encapsulates all the time dependent stuff. 对简单的应用而言,可以简单地用实时时钟中断发送一个信号量并用一个进程封装所有依赖时间的部分。