- The subject should be informed of the right to abstain from participation in the study or to withdraw consent to participate at any time without reprisal. 受试验者也应被告知其拥有的权利,包括可拒绝参与研究,或可随时撤回同意而不受报复。
- time without reprisal. 应取得受试者于自由意志下签署之受试同意书,此受试同意书以书面行之为佳。
- You cannot kill time without injuring eternity. 消磨时间不可能不伤害永恒。
- I'll bring that book next time without fail. 我下次必定给你把书带来。
- I have been there for times without number. 我已去过那里无数次。
- He hit the target three times without a miss. 他三发三中。
- He left ahead of time without saying a word. 他一句话也没说就提前离开了。
- Time without beginning or end; infinite time. 永恒无开端或结尾的时间;无限的时间
- Our shooter hit the target every time without a miss. 我们的射手弹无虚发。
- We went a month and half one time without touching each other. 有一次我们有一个半月谁也没亲过谁一下。
- It is possible to live for several weeks without food, but only for a short time without water. 人不吃东西可以活上几个星期,而没有水则只能活很短的时间。
- The terrorists can strike at any time without provocation. 恐怖分子可能无缘无故地随时攻击。
- Our shooter hit the targetevery time without a miss. 我们的射手弹无虚发。
- My days are flowing in time without sound and shadow. 叫醒太阳:我的日子滴在时间的流里,没有声音也没有影子。
- Ben promised to return the bike at a certain time without fail. 本答应到时一定归还自行车。
- The max. Operation time without defrosting is approx. 24 hrs. 不除霜的最长工作时间约24小时。
- To pass time without working or while avoiding work. 闲混,发懒不做事或避开工作而混时间
- They talked and laughed for a long time without stop. 他们有说有笑,老半天没有住声。
- I like Wagner's music better than anybody's; it is so loud, one can talk the whole time without other people hearing what one says. 在众多音乐家的作品中,我最喜欢瓦格纳的音乐——那乐曲是那么响亮,在整个演奏时间中高谈阔论也不至被别人听见谈论的是什么。
- He's told me times without number not to do that. 他告诉我无数次叫我不要那么做。