- Leisure buyers spend a lot of time window shopping. 有时间空闲的购物者很多时候只看不买。
- OFO: Unable to get minimum quiet time window for physical volume. OFO无法获得最小安静期怎么办?
- This problem is regarded as the Vehicle Routing Problem with Soft Time Windows (VRPSTW). 此类问题被称为软时窗汽车路线问题(Vehicle Routing Problemwith Soft Time Windows)。
- The Start and Finish fields are also useful for conveying the time window for a particular task. Start和Finish字段对于传达特定任务的时间窗口也非常有用。
- The bat has a fleeting time window to detect, localize, and capture highly maneuverable and unpredictable prey. 蝙蝠会在极为短暂的时间间隙中,探测,定位和捕捉到运动速度极快的,行动路线出其不意的猎物。
- CT/NIHSS Mismatch for Detection of Salvageable Brain in Acute Stroke Triage Beyond the 3-Hour Time Window: Overrated or Undervalued? 急性卒中3小时时间窗之后用CT/NIHSS不匹配检测可挽救脑:高估还是低估?
- It does not drop old prices from its time window, but slowly squeezes them out with the passage of time. 它不会把老价格剔除,只是慢慢地把它们挤出去。
- Secondly, this algorithm saved history information using inclining time windows, satisfying real time research researching afterwords. 其次,算法利用倾斜时间窗口保存历史数据,满足了实时查询和事后检索的需求。
- Vehicle scheduling problem with hard time windows (VSPHTW) is a variation of vehicle scheduling problem (VSP), which is a typical NP-hard problem. 带硬时间窗的车辆路径问题(VSPHTW)是在基本的车辆路径问题(VSP)上增加了时间窗约束条件的一种变化形式,是一个典型的NP难题。
- Since we use oscillators to catch reversals, short-term windows are better;we should reserve longer time windows for trend-following indicators. 因为我们用振荡指标去抓反转,短期窗口比较好,我们应该把长期窗口留给趋势跟踪指标。
- Conclusions:The therapentic time window in this MCAO model is less than 2 hours. 结论:本实验大鼠MCAO模型常规静注尿激酶溶栓时间小于2小时。
- Title: Recanalization after intraenous thrombolysis: Does a recanalization time window exist? 标题:静脉栓塞后血管再通:存在血管再通时间窗吗?
- The thrombolytic therapy in time windows can significantly improve the clinical outcome of patients with acute ischemic stroke. 及时有效的溶栓治疗能显著改善急性缺血性脑卒中患者的临床预后。
- The vehicle-scheduling problem with time window is also a NP-hard problem being more complicated than VSP. 带有时间窗的车辆优化调度问题是比VSP复杂程度更高的NP难题。
- But if the thing you're passionate about, you think, "Boy, there's only a critical time window to get involved," sometimes it does work. 但是如果事物你到处是热情的,你想,"男孩,只有一扇紧要关头的时间窗户可以积极叁与了,"有时它做工作。
- When the current time reaches the specified time window, the Assistants Driver invokes the corresponding time-based Assistant. 当当前时间达到指定时段时,助理驱动程序将调用相应的基于时间的助理。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- He will come on time even though it rains. 即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。