- time division of one year 全年运行时间
- The proposal set a time limit of one year. 提案规定了一年的限期。
- These data will be kept for a period of one year. 这些资料将保留一年。
- The longest division of geologic time, made up of one or more periods. 纪元地质年代最长的划分,由一个或多个阶段组成
- Well did you ever! A child of one year old can talk! 你听说过吗?一岁的小孩说话!
- The agency agreement has been drawn up for the period of one year. 为期一年的代理协议书已经拟订出来。
- To realize the value of one year, ask a student who failed a grade. 想要了解一年的价值,就去问一个留了级的学生。
- Within a period of one year, any repair is free of charge. 在一年的保证期内,修理费用全免。
- He was made captain of the football team for a term of one year. 他被推选为足球队队长,任期一年。
- The agency agreement for a period of one year has been drawn up. 为期一年的代理协议书已经拟订出来了。
- They promised to come back to the same inn at the end of one year. 他们约定一年结束时要再回到这家旅店会合。
- This proposal to contend for Kiangsi erred only in setting a time limit of one year. 上面争取江西的话,不对的是规定一年为期。
- There is a clear division of labor in ants. 蚂蚁间有明确的分工。
- The passing of one year to the next is an appropriate time to look back at where we've been -- as well as to anticipate where we might be going. 在辞旧岁迎新年之际,正是回顾过去、展望未来的合适时机。
- This is rather a structure of ontologies from a point of view of their usage than a division of one general ontology. 与其说是一个通用本体的分类,不如说是一个通过它们的用途划分的本体结构。
- Is that a fair division of the money? 那样分款公平吗?
- A sheep up to the age of one year,one yet to be sheared. 一岁以上的羊,尚未剪过毛的小羊。
- Chinese artist academician, country division of one class art, painter of major of Guangzhou imperial art academy. 中国美术家协会会员,国家一级美术师,广州画院专业画家。
- An administrative division of Turkey. 土耳其的省土耳其的一个行政区划
- A Study on Wood Properties of One Year old Poplar Clone. 四个杨树无性系苗期能源林相关特性的研究。