- 40 KW Tidal Current Energy Test Power Plant 使用海洋能发电的40千瓦潮流能实验电站
- A channel in which a tidal current runs. 潮汐水道潮汐流在其中流动的水道
- tidal current energy 潮流能
- Inaugurate tidal current of moon cake box. 开创月饼包装的新潮流。
- Tidal current that moves toward the shore is called a flood tide. 向海岸运动的潮流称为涨潮。
- G: It seems late. We fall into the spiral tidal current. 爷爷:看来已经迟了,我们已经陷入了旋涡引力圈了。
- The tidal current for Hualing truck is not the importation, comment by clients! 用户评说华菱重卡替代进口是趋势!
- Are there any strong tidal currents? 有强水流吗?
- In this paper,the principles,development status quo and tendency of ocean thermal energy conversion(OTEC),wave and tidal current power generation in the world are described briefly. 最近几年,世界各国积极开发这种新能源并取得很大的进展,在此,简要介绍了当今世界海洋温差发电、波浪发电和潮汐潮流发电的原理,开发现状和展望。
- A similar deposit at the mouth of a tidal inlet, caused by tidal currents. 三角洲海湾入口处三角形沉淀区域,由潮汐形成
- Tony Hayward, BP chief executive, yesterday said oil supply was exceeding current energy demand. 今年2月,油价曾跌至每桶32.;70美元的四年低位,致使财富从产油国向石油消费国转移。
- She does not pursue the tidal current, but always raises the mighty waves accidentally. 她不追求潮流,却常在偶然间掀起波澜。
- If China sticks to its current energy efficiency goals and growth rate, the consultancy McKinsey estimates that its emissions will double by 2030. 麦肯锡咨询公司预测,如果中国目前的能效目标和发展速度保持不变,其排放量将于2030年之前翻一番。
- In contrast to the simple observations of the tides, tidal current studies are difficult and expensive. 与潮汐的简单观测不大相同,潮流研究的难度既大、费用也巨。
- In the basic equations of tidal current horizontal eddy viscosity term is also considered. 在潮流基本方程中,水平涡动粘滞项也已考虑。
- Death Pact Signet: now resurrects party member with 15..100% Energy, instead of the caster's current Energy; The energy returned now scales based on your Restoration Magic. 死契纹章:此技能变更为复原魔法属性.;此技能变更为被复活的盟友将剩下15
- The 2-D tidal current and sediment mathematical model for Feiyunjiang estuary is established. 摘要建立了飞云江口二维潮流泥沙数学模型。
- This trend of thought and society tidal current have deep tradition basic and realism reason. 其思潮和社会潮流,本来就是有着深远传统基础和现实原因。
- Such unfeasibility reflects the unreasonablity of current energy prices system in our country.The situation can be changed once the energy prices system turn to be rasonabilized. 目前天然气直燃式冷暖空调的冷热电联供改造方案的经济不可行性正反映了我国能源价格体系的不合理现状,但是一旦能源价格体系趋向合理化,这种不合理的情况立刻就会改变。
- A similar deposit at the mouth of a tidal inlet,caused by tidal currents. 三角洲海湾入口处三角形沉淀区域,由潮汐形成。