- He was considered a candidate with a clean record. 他被认为是一位历史清白的候选人。
- She was affirmed as a candidate. 她被确认为候选人。
- A candidate out on the hustings in the farm belt. 到大农耕带发表演说的竞选者
- I propose Mary Cavy as a candidate for the presidency. 我提名玛丽·戴维斯为总裁候选人。
- He booked the ticket a month in advance. 他提前一个月订了票。
- As a candidate, he held forth the promise of a bright future. 作为一个候选人,他许下诺言,使前途一片光明。
- He was named a candidate for the general manager. 他被提命为总经理的候选人。
- I offed myself as a candidate for the position. 我自荐为该职位的侯选人。
- A candidate who won wide support. 赢得广泛支持的候选人
- The lawyer is being groom as a candidate for mayor. 律师正在准备竞选市长。
- He has declared himself a candidate for the office. 他已宣称自己为该公职的候选人。
- He was proposed as a candidate for the headmaster. 他被荐举为校长候选人。
- I do not choose to be a candidate. 我不愿意竞选。
- ticket a candidate 提出候选人
- The lawyer is is groom as a candidate for mayor. 律师正在准备竞选市长。
- The film shall be a candidate for Oscar . 这部影片应该入围奥斯卡金像奖。
- He stood as a candidate in the local elections. 他作为候选人参加地方选举。
- Right to be a candidate in an elections. 可以成为选举候选人。
- The lawyer was being groomed as a candidate for mayor. 律师正在准备竞选市长。
- Lord Wilson had a candid chat with CUHK students. 卫奕信勋爵与中大学生亲切交谈。