- The clock ticked away the time . 时钟在滴答滴答地走时。
- The Big Ben has ticked away the time accurately for many years. 大本钟多年来都在准确地走时。
- The Big Ben has ticked away the time accurately for many years . 大本钟多年来都在准确地走时。
- He did nothing but piddle away the time. 他不做事,只是混日子。
- The station clock ticked away the minutes. 车站的钟显示时间一分一分地过去。
- How did you while away the time that you were in Hangzhou? 你们在杭州的时间是怎样度过的?
- The clock ticked away the time. 钟滴答作响, 时间在流逝。
- We whiled away the time at the airport reading magazines. 我们在机场阅读杂志消磨时间。
- The clock ticked away [off] the time. 钟滴答作响,时间在流逝。
- The clock ticked away the minutes. 时钟滴答滴答地送走时间。
- We whiled away the time reading and playing cards. 我们靠看书和玩纸牌消磨时间。
- The clock was ticking away the seconds. 时钟在滴答滴答地计秒。
- We laughed away the time when we were together. 我们说说笑笑消磨了我们在一起的那段时间。
- A detective story helps to while away the time. 侦探小说有助于打发时间。
- This will help pass away the time. 这可以帮助把时间消磨掉。
- tick away the time 滴答滴答地表示时间的渡过
- The Big Ben has ticked away the time accurately for many years 大本钟多年来都在准确地走时。
- The railway station clock ticked away the hours of waiting. 火车站的时钟滴答滴地响着,一分一秒地送走了等车的几个小时时间。
- He talks like a watch which tick away minute, but never strike the hour. 他谈得像个滴滴答答地使时间一分分消逝而又决不报时的钟。
- Magazine reading helps pass away the time. 看杂志能消磨时光。