- Concentric thymic corpuscles were observed in thymus of mature Trionyx sinensis (over 200g). 在200g以上的成年鳖胸腺内发现有同心圆状胸腺小体。
- During development period, there were cystoid thymic corpuscles and interdigitating cells in thymic medulla and cortico-medullary border. 在各发育期中华鳖胸腺皮质、髓质交界处和髓质区有明显的囊状胸腺小体和交错突细胞。
- thymic corpuscle 胸腺小体
- The thymic cortex and medulla developed completely at stage 16. 胸腺皮质和髓质形成于16期。
- thymic corpuscles 胸腺小体
- Thymic hypertrophy in sudden children death: an autopsy report of 10 cases. 小儿胸腺肥大猝死10例尸检报道。
- Objective To study the CT features of thymic tumors and tumor-like lesions. 目的研究非胸腺瘤的胸腺肿瘤及肿瘤样病变的CT诊断。
- Objective To observe the morphology of mouse thymic dendritic cells(TDC). 目的 观察小鼠胸腺树突状细胞 (TDC)的形态。
- Know thyself, then, to be as a corpuscle, as a facet, as a characteristic, as a love, in the body of God. 知道你自己在上帝的身体里成为一个微粒、一个小面、一种特性、一点爱。
- Nephron included renal corpuscle, proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), medullary loop, distal convoluted tubule(DCI), and connected tubule. 肾单位包括肾小球、近曲小管、髓袢、远曲小臂和连接小管5部分。
- Erythrocyte (red blood cell or red corpuscle): Blood cell that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues. 红血球:一种血液成分,用来运送氧、二氧化碳、养分和与其它组织交换后产生的废物。
- Objective To observe the ultrastructural variation of epithelial cell in the development of the rat renal corpuscle. 目的观察大鼠肾小体发育过程中上皮细胞超微结构的形态变化规律。
- It was studied in a systematic way that heme was extracted from porcine blood corpuscle by glacial acetic acid. 系统地研究了冰醋酸法提取猪血球中的血红素。
- Results There was no significant difference of Meissner's corpuscle densities on ... 粘连区触觉小体在性成熟后消失表明该区域触觉小体可能具有特殊的生理功能。
- Because thymic dendritic cells are the potent antigen presenting cells in the thymus, they must play an important role in thymic negative selection. 胸腺树突状细胞作为胸腺内功能强大的抗原呈递细胞,在阴性选择中必定发挥着不可忽视的作用。
- Erythrocyte (red Blood cell or red corpuscle):Blood cell that carries oxygen from the lungs to the Body tissues. 白血球:防卫身体免于感染的数种血球细胞的统称。
- Thymic cyst (3 cases) appeared as cyst mass behind the sternum with homogeneous water density. 胸腺囊肿 (3例)表现为胸骨后囊性病变 ,囊内呈均匀水样密度 ;
- ConclusionThe number of the rat renal corpuscle grows dramatically from E18 to P7 and... 结论大鼠肾小体的数目于胚龄18天到出生后7天逐渐增多,出生后7天之后基本稳定。
- This paper discussed how to obtain proteolysate from porcine red blood corpuscle for foods. 新鲜猪血离心后得到血球。
- Thymic tumours and dermoid cysts, although in the anterior mediastinum, may be closely related to the pulmonary trunk. 胸腺肿瘤和皮样囊肿,虽然位于前纵隔,也可与肺动脉段密切相连。