- The sleigh was drawn by a horse. 雪车是用一匹马拖拉的。
- Some cattle being driven by a man on a horse. 骑马人驱赶著的一群牛。
- The power exerted by a horse in pulling. 一匹马在拉东西时使用的力量
- Gert was kicked by a horse when she was very young. 格尔特年纪轻轻就吸毒成瘾。
- The long, high-pitched sound made by a horse. 马嘶鸣声马发出的高调的长啸声
- A horse cab can be hauled by a tractor. 马车可以由拖拉机牵引。
- I was delighted to sit in a sled hauled by a horse. 坐在一只马拉的雪橇上,心情多欢畅。
- A catch block can catch exceptions thrown by a JScript program. catch块可以捕获JScript程序引发的异常。
- The general mounted a horse, led up to him by a Cossack. 那个将军跨上哥萨克给他带过来的马。
- Rochester has been thrown by his horse, and his dog comes to Jane seeking help. 罗切斯特从马上摔了下来,他的狗跑到简身旁寻求帮助。
- thrown by a horse 被摔下马
- The data binding engine does not catch exceptions that are thrown by a user-supplied converter. 数据绑定引擎不捕获由用户提供的转换器所引发的异常。
- Of course, Genesis was written by a man, not a horse. 当然创世纪是人类所写,而不是马。
- Officials say the New Yorker is undergoing surgery after being thrown by a bull. 官员说,被公牛投出后,纽约人正在手术。
- An iron shaft with claws at one end, usually thrown by a rope and used for grasping and holding, especially one for drawing and holding an enemy ship alongside. 抓钩,多爪锚一端有爪的铁矛,通常用绳子抛出并用来抓持和固定,尤指用于沿着边拖拽和固定敌船的那种
- A half turn to right or left performed by a horse and rider. 马术中的半旋转马和骑手表演时向右或向左的半旋转
- throw by a horse 从马上摔下来
- This has been found out by training bees to come for syrup to various parts of a spectrum or artificial rainbow thrown by a prism on a table in a dark room. 这一点是通过试验发现的:在暗室里的桌子上放一个粘着糖浆的三棱镜,三棱镜投射出光谱或人造彩虹,蜜蜂就会飞向光谱的各个部分来吃糖浆。
- A light leap by a horse, in which both hind legs leave the ground just before the forelegs are set down. 腾跃马的轻盈跳跃动作,在前腿快要落下时,两条后腿同时跃离地面
- The speaker was completely thrown by theinterruption. 演讲的人因受到干扰而心烦意乱。