- How could he throw over his best friend? 他怎么能拋弃自己最好的朋友呢?
- From today I throw over smoking. 从今天起我戒烟。
- He's decided to throw over the lifestyle he's been used to in his parents' home, and go his own way. 他决定抛弃自己已习惯在的在父母身边的生活方式而开始自己的生活方式。
- When he become rich he throw over all his old friend. 他发财之后把老朋友都抛弃了。
- Never trust those who throw over their friends in danger and diffculty. 永远不要相信那些在危难之中抛弃朋友的人。
- When he became rich he threw over all his old friends. 他发财之後把老朋友都抛弃了。
- When Mr. Sparling talked to him he was just ready to throw over his job. 当斯帕林先生跟他谈话时他刚打算辞去他的工作。
- "For you I would throw over anybody, Duchess," said Lord Henry with a bow. “为了你,我可以赴汤蹈火,公爵夫人。”亨利勋爵鞠着躬回答。
- The novel is to the effect that a lady was thrown over by her husband. 小说的大意是说一个女人被她丈夫遗弃的事。
- She threw over her first husband for a richer man . 她抛弃了她的第一个丈夫,嫁给了一个更有钱的男人。
- Mary threw over her first husband for a richer man. 玛丽为了一个更有钱的男人而抛弃了她的第一个丈夫。
- The light loose mantle was thrown over his tunic. 一件轻质宽大的斗蓬披在上衣外面。
- His white cloak was thrown over his face. 他用他的白上衣蒙住脸。
- She threw over her first husband for a richer man. 她抛弃了她的第一个丈夫,嫁给了一个更有钱的男人。
- I throw a ball to her and she catch it. 我把球扔给她,她接住了。
- All during college, it stayed with me, always comfortable to throw over my clothes during messy projects. 念大学期间,它都在我身边,在上那些会把人搞脏的课时穿着它总是很舒服。
- I'll throw the ball and you catch it. 我扔球你接。
- All during college,it stayed with me,always comfortable to throw over my clothes during messy projects. 念大学期间,它都在我身边,在上那些会把人搞脏的课时穿着它总是很舒服。
- He's decided to throw over the lifestyle he's been used to in his parents'home,and go his own way. 他决定抛弃自己已习惯在的在父母身边的生活方式,开始自己的生活方式。
- He's decided to throw over the lifestylehe's been used to in his parents'home, and go his own way. 他决定抛弃自己已习惯在的在父母身边的生活方式而开始自己的生活方式。