- The strong smell made me throw up. 这强烈的气味使我呕吐了。
- throw up roadblock 匆匆建造路障
- He had to throw up his whole plan. 他只得放弃整个计划。
- When your boss has a new idea, respond to it in a constructive way instead of throwing up roadblocks. 当你的老板有了一个新想法,那么用建设性的方式做出回应而不要抛出拦路石。
- This smell is enough to make you throw up. 这种气味令人呕吐。
- That's the last time in trying,I throw up my hands! 这是我最后一次尝试;我服输了。
- I would throw up the sponge and walk out. 我赌气而走。
- He feels like his going to throw up all the time. 他感觉好像总想要吐。
- She also throws up to me the time I get drunk. 她还反复向我提我那次喝醉酒的事情。
- The smell made me want to throw up. 这味道使得我想呕吐。
- Stop it! You're gonna make me throw up on the cake. 够了!我会吐到蛋糕上的。
- The bus went up and down and I was gonna throw up. 汽车上下颠簸,我就快吐了。
- Her research has thrown up some interesting facts. 她在研究中有些发现令人很感兴趣。
- The soldiers threw up an earthwork. 士兵们赶造起一座土垒。
- His behavior made me want to throw up. 看到他那些行径,我想吐。
- As she sings I gotta be me. I swear I'll throw up. 当她高声叫唤时,我憋不住话。我发誓我要呕吐了。
- B: Use this waste bag in case you want to throw up. 想吐的话,就用这个呕吐袋。
- She threw up her hands in horror at the idea. 她听到那个主意吓得把手都举了起来。
- Shoddy houses that were thrown up in a few months. 在短短几个月内建起的劣质房屋
- You shouldn't throw up a chance like that! 你不该放过那样的机会!