- I expected, as I told you, to reach the outer wall, pierce through it, and throw myself into the sea; I have, however, kept along the corridor on which your chamber opens, instead of going beneath it. 我已经告诉过你,我本来是想挖到外墙,挖穿它,然后跳进海里去的,但是,我却顺着你房间对面的走廊挖,没有挖到底下去。
- "Jondrette repeated two or three distinct times, with all manner of varying inflections of the whining and supplicating order: "There is nothing left for me but to throw myself into the river! 容德雷特用种种有气无力、哀求诉苦的声调,接二连三地说着:“我只有去跳河,没有其他办法了!
- To recover from the divorce, I threw myself into a whirlwind of activities. 为了从离婚中恢复过来,我马不停蹄地投身于一系列的活动。
- I threw myself into the lectures, defending, asserting the rights of women. 我投身到演讲活动中去,到处维护和申张妇女的权利。
- I have left my eountry, Mortgaged my estate, quitted my pleasures, and thrown myself into the Arms of Fortune. 我离开了家乡,抵押了家产,抛弃了舒服日子,把自己交托给命运由它摆布。
- I could not answer. My eyes brimmed over with tears of gratitude and love, and I threw myself into Marguerite's arms. 我无法回答,感激和深情的泪水糊住了我的眼睛,我扑在玛格丽特的怀抱之中。
- To recover from breaking out with my grilfriend, I threw myself into a whirlwind of social activities. 为从分手中恢复过来,我马不停蹄地投身于各类社交活动中。
- I also threw myself into all kinds of social doings, participated in planning and organizing different activities. 还积极地参加各种社交活动,参与了大量的活动策划、组织工作。
- I broke into tears and threw myself into his arms.I don't know how long I sobbed,but after a while I became aware that he was crying too. 我泪如泉涌,扑入爸爸的怀抱,我不知道哭了多久,但过了片刻,我发现他也哭了。
- Freed from worry by low expectations, my credibility bolstered by several helpful endorsements, I threw myself into the race with an energy and joy that I'd thought I had lost. 不去想我的机会有多渺茫,我的威信得益于一些肯定和认可,我将原本已失去的激情和快乐的自己投入到竞选中。
- P. class, so did I.I threw myself into class discussions, attempting to dazzle him with my intelligence and intrepidity.Making friends with his friends, I dogged his steps. 回顾你高中校内校外的生活,并将之放到你人生这样一个更大的构架中去思考,然后问问你自己将走向何方。
- His mouth lingered on mine, cold and smooth and gentle, until I wrapped my arms around his neck and threw myself into the kiss with a little too much enthusiasm. 他的口漆于我的唇上,冰凉的,光滑的,温柔的,留恋不去,直到我双臂环上他的颈,倾注所有热情陶醉在这一吻中。
- I've been jogging a lot to get myself into shape. 我长期慢跑锻炼身体。
- Don't make me throw myself under a train. 不要把我自己丢到火车上。
- I throw myself on your support to help me win this competition. 我依靠你的支持来帮我赢得这场竞争。
- Throw myself face down on the bed and cry myself to sleep. 我扑倒在床上,一直哭到睡着。
- Women's love is such that, when I love you, I'll throw every ounce of myself into that love. 女人的爱就是这样,我爱你的时候,我要把我的点点滴滴都投进爱里。
- I threw myself at her feet and asked her to forgive me. 我拜倒在她的脚下,请求她饶恕我。
- I really got myself into a pickle this time. 这次我真的是陷入了困境。
- I would go to Old Bridge and throw myself in the Arno River! 我会去老桥,我将纵身跳入阿诺河!