- The horse threw himself into a squat. 马一下子卧倒在地。
- He threw himself into work once he got back from his holidays. 他度假一回来就投身于工作。
- The boy threw himself into his mother's arms while she wept for joy. 孩子扑到妈妈怀里,妈妈高兴得流下眼泪。
- He threw himself into a chair and began to think. 他倒在一张椅子上沉思起来。
- Mr Yang said he would always throw himself into the cases during a trial, reflecting on every detail day and night. 杨铁梁说自己审案时会很投入,有时日日夜夜都会想著案情。
- The child threw himself into his mother's arms. 孩子一下子扑到母亲的怀里。
- His way of coping was to throw himself into work, and he began to reinvent himself. 全身心地投入工作是他排解的办法。他开始重新发现自己。
- As a public person,he already throw himself into charity career and be busy with trifle. 作为一个公众人物,他总是投身于慈善事业,并忙于琐事。
- Then he threw himself into his charity work. 特纳转而投身慈善事业。
- The boy threw himself into his mother's outflung arms. 那男孩投入他母亲张开的双臂之中。
- He threw himself into the path of an oncoming vehicle. 他冲入迎面有汽车驶来的路中。
- Despite the difficulties he threw himself into the research. 尽管困难重重, 他还是全心投入了调查研究。
- He wants to be free to throw himself into a new project at a moment's notice.If anyone blocks his path, he takes on the challenger by intensifying his efforts and ramming right through the obstacle. 他只想投入当下所知道的新计划,只要有人阻碍他,他便会增强自己的能力并负起挑战者的角色,铲除障碍。
- Even before the inauguration parties ended, he threw himself into his new job. 甚至庆祝舞会还没结束,他就已经投入到了新工作之中。
- "At that moment, he threw himself into my arms, like an abandoned child. 那一刻,它扑到我怀里,就像一个被抛弃的孩子。”
- Hearing the good news, President Clinton threw himself into the work with great enthusiasm. 听了这些好消息,克林顿总统就以极大的热情投入工作。
- Emmons threw himself into the arms of his wife Katerina, who just won a gold and a silver from the Beijing Olympics. 埃蒙斯把自己埋入了爱妻卡特琳娜的怀中,而卡特琳娜刚从北京奥运会上赢得了一金一银。
- Dr.Dement, infatuated with Freud's theories about dreams, quickly threw himself into the study of REM. 对佛洛伊德梦的理论著迷不已的戴蒙博士,很快便投入了快速眼动睡眠的研究。
- When he fell into the sea, or rather, when he threw himself into it, he was not ironed, as we have seen. 他掉在海里时,应当说,他跳到海里去时,他已脱去了脚镣,这是我们已经知道的。
- Finally, broke, worn out, and in a fit of despondency, he threw himself into a river and drowned. 最后,他破产了、筋疲力尽了,一时的绝望之下,他投河自尽。