- Throw a grenade into a corrugated tin shack in an enemy encampment and the whole thing will collapse. 把手榴弹丢到铁罐中,扔到敌营里,就能把他们炸的七零八落。
- Increase your grenade's distance by jumping when throwing. You can throw a grenade about a block and a half by doing this. 跳起投掷手榴弹,可以投得更远。
- throw a grenade with all one's might 把手榴弹猛力一甩
- I throw a ball to her and she catch it. 我把球扔给她,她接住了。
- Her diaries throw a new light upon certain incidents. 她的日记对一些事件提供了新的解释。
- An official of Yemeni Interior Ministry said on the state-owned television that Sameer Yahia Awadh, 25, threw a grenade against the wall of the US embassy, which is located in the northeastern district of the capital city, San'a. 也门内政部的一名官员对国营电视台说,名叫阿瓦赫的25岁青年在首都萨那市东北萨旺区向美国大使馆围墙抛掷了一枚手榴弹。
- She throw a stone into the pond and watch the ripples spread. 她把一块石头扔进池塘里,看著水的波纹扩散开。
- A police officer told AFP that the wounded were stopping near an archaeological site in the district of Mansehra 150 kilometers east of Peshawar when an unidentified man threw a grenade at them. 一名警方官员告诉法新社,这些受伤者在白夏瓦东边一百五十公里曼瑟拉地区的一个考古地点附近停留时,遭到一名不明人士向他们投掷一枚手榴弹。
- Comprehensive report, San'a -- A Yemeni youth threw a grenade into the US Embassy in Yemen, Yemeni and US officials said. The youth was arrested immediately and no one was injured in the incident. (萨那综合电)也门和美国的官员说,一名也门青年前晚向美国驻也门大使馆抛掷手榴弹,但这名青年立即被捕,而没有人在这起攻击事件中受伤。
- In 2005, a military conscript believed to be angered by taunts from senior officers killed eight fellow soldiers, throwing a grenade into a barracks where his comrades were sleeping and firing a hail of bullets. 2005年,一名据信因受到上级军官的嘲弄而被激怒的服役军人杀死了8名战友,朝自己战友睡觉的营房投掷了一枚手榴弹并开枪猛烈射击。
- The soldier was flinging a grenade. 那个士兵正在掷手榴弹。
- She threw a scarf over her shoulders. 她在肩上披上一块肩巾。
- Croft slipped a grenade out of his belt. 克洛夫特从子弹带上悄悄抽下一颗手榴弹。
- A grenade blew them both to bits. 一颗手榴弹把他们炸得粉身碎骨。
- And she's gonna lob it at you like a grenade. 她会象扔手榴弹似的还击你。
- The rifle is able to throw a bullet about 4 miles. 这把来复枪可以把子弹射出大约4英里。
- Throw a tablecloth over the dining table. 在餐桌上盖上一块台布。
- He killed two policemen with a grenade. 他用一枚手榴弹炸死了两名警察。
- She's gonna lob it at you like a grenade. 那个女法官会毫不留情地判你刑的。
- Don't throw a fit every time I have to go. 不要在我每次不得不走的时候都大发雷霆。