- throttle stem packing gland 节流杆填密压盖
- A two piece packing gland prevents cocking and stem damage. 两件式填料压盖防止压盖翘起和阀杆损坏。
- No packing gland, packing only in these sizes. 没有填料压盖,这些通径的阀门只有填料。
- Tighten up the packing gland on the swivel. 紧一下水龙头冲管盘根。
- Lightly tighten packing gland nut. 轻轻紧固压紧螺母。
- Rugged construction provides years of reliable service. A two piece packing gland prevents cocking and stem damage. 坚固耐用的结构确保多年稳定可靠的使用。两件式填料压盖防止压盖翘起和阀杆损坏。
- EXTENSION BONNET with a sufficient gas column to keep the stem packing away from the cold fluid. 扩展阀帽具有足够的气体柱,避免阀杆填料受到低温流体的影响。
- Stem bearing to assure concentric stem rotation, allowing stem packing to provide maximum sealing effectiveness. 阀杆轴承保证同轴阀杆的旋转,使得阀杆填料具有最大的密封效果。
- Stem is non-rotating, resulting in lower friction of all moving parts and longer stem packing life. 阀杆是不旋转的,这样就减少了所有运动部件的磨损,延长了阀杆填料的使用寿命。
- Deep packing glands eliminate leakage. 深厚的填料密封垫避免泄漏。
- Valve running thrust which represents 90% of the travel of the valve stem can be determined by adding stem load and stem packing friction. 阀门运行推力只是阀门阀杆行程力的90%25,因此测算阀门推力时,要加上阀杆负载和阀杆填料摩擦力。
- Valve rod with valve lids between bring fall airproof structure, Convenients for valve bring press replacing valve stem packing. 阀杆与阀盖之间带倒密封结构,便于阀门带压更换阀杆填料。
- HEAVY TWO-PIECE GLAND Packing gland is built to withstand high stresses caused by live-loading. 重型两件式密封盖填料函盖用于承受由动负载产生的高应力。
- Check the stuffing box, the packing gland should be flatted and the tensioning torque should be proper. 检查填料箱,填料压盖应放平,压紧力要适当。
- Expeller seals combined with packing include expeller, pressure-relief cover, sleeve, packing water sealing ring and packing gland, etc. 付叶轮加填料组合式密封包括付叶轮、减压盖、轴套、填料水封环和填料压盖等。
- Unscrew packing gland (9) from the bonnet (2) using a 24ln pipe wrench. NOTE ensure the threads on the bonnet (2) are not damaged by the pipe wrench. 用24"管钳从阀罩(2)上拧下盘根压帽(9).;注意不要让管钳伤到阀罩(2)上的丝扣
- DeZurik KGC Valves have a unique packing system that ensures a long-life tight seal with minimal packing gland pressure. 美国DeZurik(德朱瑞克)KGC阀门独特的密封填料系统能够在最小密封填函料压力下,实现长久的紧密密封。
- Square braided PTFE packing insure a tight seal with a minimum of packing gland pressure. Extra rings of packing and a smooth uniform chamber assure a tight seal. 方形编制聚四氟乙烯填料确保在最小填料函压力下实现紧密的密封效果。填料的附加密封环和光滑一致的腔室也确保了密封的紧密性。
- Graphite stem packing and bonnet gasket 石墨阀杆填料和阀盖垫圈
- Fire Test for Evaluation of Valve Stem Packing 阀门包装材料的防火试验