- We can reduce his speech to three sentences. 我们可以把他的讲演归纳成三句话。
- Try to say three sentences in a row. 尽量连续说三句。
- Sum up the main points of the lesson in three sentences. 用三句话概括本课的要点。
- Read through this passage and then boil it down in three sentences. 把这段文字读一遍,然后将它缩短成3句话。
- Sumup the main points of the lesson in three sentences. 用三句话概括本课的要点。
- Write three sentences about yourself on a piece of paper. 写三个关于你自己的句子在纸上。
- We can sum up the main point of the lesson in three sentences. 我们可以用三句话来概括本课要点。
- The next three sentences should be set in,as they are someone else's words. 下面三句应缩进来排,因为是另一个人的话。
- Read through this passage and then boil it down in three sentences . 把这段文字读一遍,然后将它缩短成3句话。
- The history of Susan Henchard's adventures in the interim can be told in two or three sentences. 苏珊·亨密尔在这期间的奇特经历,三两句话就可以交代清楚了。
- Write three sentences, using the same infinitive phrase as a noun, an adjective and an adverb. 写出3个句子,把同一个不定式短语用作名词、形容词和副词。
- I've keyed this sentence (in) three times, and it's still wrong! 我把这个句子输入了三次,可是仍然不对!
- Children should write three sentences describing a child in the room. Two are false and one is correct. 学生们应该写出三个句子来描述教室里的学生。两个句子是错误的,一个正确的。
- Your son is sixteen.Your wife is thirty-four.You are forty-three.If you can answer the three sentences, you will know our privacy. 如果你能回答出这三句,你将知道我们的秘密。
- The three sentences from different angles and different profile, using different cameras under the lotus colorful and vivid image in the world. 这三句,从不同的角度,不同的侧面,运用不同的镜头摄下了荷花丰富多彩、栩栩如生的形象。
- Read about the health care system in three different countries. Answer the question. Which health care system do you think is best? Write two or three sentences explaining why. 阅读三个不同国家的医疗保健体系,并回答问题。哪个医疗保健体系你认为是最好的?并写出两三个句子解释一下原因。
- Other old ladies had told their memories in two or three sentences, but in spite of her laborious method of storytelling, Clara told her story in detail. 其他老妇一般用两三句就讲完了她们的回忆,但是,尽管讲故事对克莱拉来说是个费力的事,她还是坚持讲出了故事的每个细节。
- We can reduce his statement to three simple facts. 我们可以把他的陈述归纳为三个简单的事实。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- He receive a three year jail sentence. 他被判3年的徒刑。