- No one knows outside two or three persons. 除两三个人外谁也不知道。
- This ticket admits three persons. 这张票准许三人入场。
- A boat designed to be rowed by three persons. 三人划艇一种设计由三人划动的船
- Three persons were named in the report. 那份报告提及了三个人。
- Ormosia, it is this kind of spirit and when the person carry out that all enters. 红豆,便是这种精神与时俱进的实践者。
- There is only one God (Godhead), Three Persons. 只有一位上帝,以三个位格存在。
- The three persons left and they parted ways. 那三个人离开;然后他们就分开了.
- One person carried on where the other had left off . 有一个人在别人停下的地方继续前进。
- God is both one person (one substance, one godhead), and three persons. 上帝同时是一个位格(一本质,一神格),也是三个位格。
- Are there any beds available for three persons tonight? 今天晚上有一些床可以提供给三个人吗?
- Three persons were swept off the bridge in the high wind. 三个行人被大风从桥上吹下。
- Papa also tell me muchness mortally the order of to work, Has this Me beauty all over the ground family,I ask for hard study hard,Then an innocent person carry kinsfolk to my fatherly. 爸爸也告诉我很多做人做事的道理,有这麽美满的家庭,我要努力用功读书,才不辜负家人对我的爱护。
- These three persons,viz landlord,lessee and tenant... 上述三人;即房东、承租人、房客....
- These three persons,viz.landlord,lessee and tenant... 上述三人;即房东、承租人、房客....
- These three persons represent three different types of character. 这三个人代表三种不同性格。
- On the season three person of coordinations were already unusual the tacit understanding, Adelman do not want to take risk change. 上赛季三人的配合已经非常默契,阿德尔曼不想冒险变阵。
- The wheat peduncle continues to miss, Yao Ming, Skora and the Ataisite three person of first rounds, the guard line is composed of Brooks and Alston. 麦蒂继续缺阵,姚明、斯科拉和阿泰斯特三人首发,后卫线则由布鲁克斯和阿尔斯通组成。
- Article 22 To file an administrative appeal jointly might have been represented by one to three person (s) elected among all administrative appellants. 第22条共同提起诉愿,得选定其中一人至三人为代表人。
- One of the persons carrying or attending a coffin at a funeral. 抬棺者在葬礼中抬或随行棺材的人
- A small portable electronic device that emits a beeping signal when the person carrying it is being paged. BP机当携带人被寻呼时发出嘟嘟信号声的一种可携带的小型电子装置