- Three line in projecting diamond. 突出菱形中加三。
- The girls formed into three lines. 女孩子排成三行。
- Gets the index of the next string in the current table column. 获取当前表列中下一个字符串的索引。
- The actress spoke only three lines in the first act. 在第一幕中这位女演员只有三行台词。
- The soldiers formed into three lines. 这些士兵队列编成三行。
- A group of three lines of verse. 三行联句一组三行短诗
- Gets the index of the row that contains the next hard-coded string in the current table column. 获取包含当前表列中下一个硬编码字符串的行的索引。
- Relating to, having, or bounded by three lines. 三线的有或关于三条线的,由三条线围绕的
- Gets the string at the specified index from the table column in the current reference scope. 从当前引用范围内的表列中获取指定索引处的字符串。
- Size it for approximately three lines of text. 将其大小调整为大约三行文本。
- Click a cell in a blank table column that you want to turn into a calculated column. 单击要转换为计算列的空表格列中的一个单元格。
- I can only read the first three lines. 我只能看清最上面的三行。
- A property defined for a table column that specifies a constant to be used as the default value for the column. 为表列定义的属性,指定要用作该列的默认值的常量。
- Look at my wiggly save three lines of code skills. 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 // Remove quotes at start and end.
- The non-XML format file contains information about the file storage type, prefix length, field length, and field terminator of every table column. 非XML格式化文件包含了有关每个表列的文件存储类型、前缀长度、字段长度和字段终止符的信息。
- If a table column is a Unicode data type such as nchar or nvarchar, the column length displayed is the storage length of the column. 如果表列为Unicode数据类型(例如,nchar或nvarchar),则所显示的列长度是该列的存储长度。
- Three lines of the first paragraph were underscored in red ink. 第一段中有三行用红墨水在下面画了线。
- For the Overflow column, AttributeName is not specified, but directive is set to xmltext as part of providing a universal table column name. 对于Overflow列,没有指定AttributeName,但是在提供通用表列名的过程中,将directive设置为xmltext。
- As with Kagi, Point &Figure, and Renko charts, Three Line Break charts ignore the passage of time. (译注:这三种图线不记录时间坐标,由价格的变动完全确定图线)。
- You can manually change the width of a table column in Table Designer by resizing it or you can automatically resize a column to fit its widest entry. 可以在表设计器中通过调整表列大小手动调整其宽度,或者可以自动调整列大小以适合最宽的项。