- The colour image has been created from the HRSC's nadir (vertical view) and three colour channels. 图中的是位于亚齐雷低地的一个陨石坑,这陨石坑的右上方黑色那团是沙丘来的。
- Please refer to the true colour image to see if the area is actually covered by clouds. 可参考真彩图像以查看该区是否被云覆盖。
- I drew three colour maps of different kind for the effects of worn-out stone and assigned them to each polygen.Then I moved UVs to different parts. 我绘制了三种不同颜色的破石头的纹理,并且赋予到每个模型上,然后用UV线调节到各自的部位。
- Toner: (1) Pigment or dye used to modify the color of a printing ink. (2) Chemical used to develop a colour image in electrostatic printing processes. 色剂:(1)用来加强印刷油墨颜色的颜料或染料。(2)静电印刷用来造成颜色影像的化学剂。
- The classic monoblock design of the Nokia 3806 is lined with silver trim and is available in three colour schemes: piano black, pure white and rose gold. 在诺基亚3806经典的直板设计,镶有银色装饰,目前有三种颜色的计划获得:钢琴黑,纯白色的玫瑰金。
- Toner: (1) Pigment or dye used to modify the color of a printing ink. (2) Chemical used to develop a colour image in electrostatic printing processes. 色剂:(1)用来加强印刷油墨颜色的颜料或染料。(2)静电印刷用来造成颜色影像的化学剂。
- Methods The expression of Fas and FasL antigen on peripheral blood T lymphocytes was determined by flow cytometry and three colour double marked immunofluorescence methods in 26 patients with Behcet disease and 43 healthy individuals. 方法 采用流式细胞仪 (flow cytom etry)及三色荧光双标记细胞免疫荧光技术对 2 6例Behcet病患者和 43例正常人外周血 T淋巴细胞表面 Fas和 Fas L抗原的表达进行检测。
- Almost all colours can be matched by mixing only three coloured lights. 几乎所有的彩色都能由三种基本彩色光相混而配出。
- Beams of light,colour filters,and electronic circuitry are used to scan a colour image point by point,producing colour-corrected separations in negative or positive film,either screened or unscreened. 用光束、滤色片、和电子电路把彩色影像逐点逐点的扫描,造成正确色彩的分色上网或不上网的正片或负片。
- There are three colours in the French flag, namely red, white, and blue. 法国国旗有三种颜色,即红色、白色和蓝色。
- Under the 40 multiple microscope, the observed results were transferred into Meta Morph/ DP10/BX41 colour image analysing apparatus with OLYMPUS C3040-ADU colour image photograph importing apparatus. 于40倍物镜下用OLYMPUS C3040一ADU彩色图像摄录输入仪将图像输人Meta Morp丫DP10/BX41彩色图像分析仪,每张切片选取四周及中央5个区域,均取该区域阳性反应最多的视野,测阳性反应面积比(阳性面积/肝组织面积x 100%25),即平均光密度值,再取平均值。 Masson染色:胶原纤维染色成蓝色。
- The three colours are of equal size with the green next to the staff. 三种颜色的尺寸相等,绿色靠近旗杆。
- Which microscope can gives coloured images ? 哪一种显微镜能显示出有颜色的图像?
- Links have three colour choices for unvisited, hover, and visited.Your header or masthead may be filled with colour while the rest of the site may be less colourful. 连接有三种色彩可以选择,未点击,鼠标悬停和点击后,你的页眉或者报头可能有多种色彩,但是页面的其他部分可能没有这么多色彩。
- ratio of the three colour primary signals 三基色信号比
- The visuals are stunning with strong, vibrantly colourful images. 在视觉效果令人震惊的强烈,充满活力多姿多彩的形象。
- The processing of true colour images is adapted from a software originally developed by the Space Science and Engineering Centre of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. 真彩图像的处理软件是美国威斯康辛-麦迪逊大学的空间科学与工程中心开发的。
- Colour Image Display System of Multi-Grey Levels 彩色多灰级图象显示
- EFNY Cheek Color features professional-grade talcs that make it so easy to blend. Three colours are available with Pink (2090) highly recommended for natural and healthy cheeks. 配方优质,容易涂抹,共3色可供选择.特别推介淡粉红色(2090),只需轻轻一扫,面颊即时白里透红。